ATOMIC Basic Plasma Processes

Compilations of references and data on basic atomic plasma processes are contained in the following abstracts and external web links.


  1. Atomic Collision Processes in Plasma Physics Experiments: Analytic Expressions for Selected Cross-Sections and Maxwellian rate coefficients II.
  2. Empirical Formulas for ionization Cross-Section of Atomic Ions for Electron Collisions; critical review with compilations of experimental data
  3. Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion, Part I : Recommended Cross-Sections and Rates for Electron Ionization of Light Atoms and Ions.
  4. Recommended Data on Excitation of Carbon and Oxygen Ions by Electron Collisions.
  5. Annotated Bibliography on Electron Collisions with Atomic Positive Ions: Excitation and Ionization.
  6. An Evaluated Compilation of Data for Electron Impact Excitation of Atomic Ions.
  7. Electron-Impact Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients for Excitation of Carbon and Oxygen Ions
  8. Experimental Aspects of Electron Impact Ionization and Excitation of Positive Ions.
  9. Annotated Bibliography on Electron Collisions with Atomic Positive Ions: Excitation and Ionization.


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