Experimental Aspects of Electron Impact Ionization and Excitation of
Positive Ions
Dolder,K.T.: 1986, p. 213 of 'Atomic and Molecular Physics of Controlled
Thermonuclear Fusion.', eds Joachain,C.J., Post,D.E., Plenum Press, 1986.
Plasmas of greatest interest in fusion and astrophysics are not in thermodynamic
equilibrium so that details of each significant atomic process are needed to
construct theoretical models and interpret observations. Two of the most
important types of reaction are electron impact ionization and excitation.
In plasmas which are 'thin' to electromagnetic radiation, the ionization
equilibrium and hence all important plasma properties is mainly determined by
the balance between the rates of ionization and recombination. Electron
impact is usually the dominant ionization process and when molecular ions
are absent, this is primarily balanced by dielectronic (three body) and radiative
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