Laser Stars

Observe Laser Stars

( from your own backyard )

Amateur Astrometry

Amateur astronomers with CCD equipped telescopes can observe the proper motion of certain quasars apparently exceeding 1000 times the speed of light !

Are Quasars Breaking Speed Limits ?

Standard cosmological beliefs insist that quasars are extremely distant. However quasar TON 202 is traveling across the sky at 5 arcseconds per century. If quasars were as distant as most astronomers claim, this would translate to phenomenal speeds in excess of one thousand times the speed of light ! No object can exceed the speed of light, therefore the only reasonable alternative is that quasar distances have been grossly overestimated. A simple calculation reveals that quasars are nearby objects within the galaxy with sub-light speeds typical of other stars. (like the central star of planetary nebula NGC 7293).

This confirms one of the predictions of the laser star theory (Varshni 1979) : Laser action in the hot plasma of rapidly cooling stellar atmospheres is responsible for the unusual emission lines in quasar spectra, there is no redshift. There is no superluminal motion in quasar jets because their distance has been overestimated : quasars are within the galaxy, therefore their jets travel at reasonable sublight speeds.

As an example of the historical importance of proper motion studies, consider the 17th century observations of the satellites of jupiter by Galileo. These startling results, easily reproducible by amateur astronomers today, were a turning point in the history of science. It proved that certain objects are not orbiting the earth. Although it was ignored by the scientific/religious community, this crucial piece of observational evidence would play a key role in the dismantling of the geocentric model of the solar system. More importantly, it firmly establishes the importance of observation in modern empirical science.

"In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual."
-Galileo Galilei
(Portrait © IMSS - Firenze)

Finder chart for TON 202 :

Quasar TON 202

  Finder chart for quasar TON 202. Located 4 degrees west of epsilon Bootes, plotted as 1425+267 on p.152 Uranometria which plots the five brightest stars. Field of view is 30 arcminutes across, the size of the full moon. Image scale is 5 arcseconds per pixel. TON 202 is moving towards the lower left part of the image at a speed of a pixel per century. It will move out of this image in less than 25,000 years. (Image courtesy DSS; Digitized Sky Survey)

CCD Proper Motion Observation

Visual observation of quasars with the naked eye is exceedingly difficult. The brightest quasars in the sky are no brighter than magnitude 13 and can barely be seen in an amateur telescope, most quasars are hundreds of times fainter. However, with the growing popularity of CCDs, observing quasars and their proper motions has become much easier.

Meyer et al. (1995) discuss amateur astrometry; All you really need is a CCD camera, a telescope with a clock-drive and some software. Using this new technique Dennis di Cicco tracked the proper motion and annual parallax of a faint star light years away. Paul Boltwood, of the Ottawa Center Royal Astronomical Society of Canada received the Chant Medal for his work on quasar photometry using only a small 7-inch telescope and a home-built CCD camera.

Table of Quasar Proper Motion

There are at least 40 quasars with measurable proper motions, (Varshni et al., 1995). TON 202, one of the fastest in this list, has the largest apparent magnitude. With a visual magnitude of 15.63 it ranks among the top 1 percent of quasars in order of apparent luminosity, it is much easier to locate in a star field than the average quasar (see astrophoto above)

Star Finder Chart Proper Motion Chart
These charts of the sky near delta cancer contain 13 out of the 40 quasars with significant proper motion. In the first chart, their motion after 100,000 years is indicated by an arrow representing direction and magnitude of proper motion. In the second chart quasars are bright blue and proper motion over 50,000 years is plotted as green, proper motion of ordinary stars is plotted as red. In both charts, the background stars are from SAO.

Astrophoto of exact quasar locations

Quasars in Cancer

  Astrophoto of exact location for LB 8956, LB 9029, LB 8991, LB 9010 (small red crosses from top to bottom respectively). Field of view is 33 arcminutes across. Image scale is 5 arcseconds per pixel. (Image courtesy DSS; Digitized Sky Survey)

The easiest way to detect quasar proper motion is to measure the pixel distance between two or more quasars within the same CCD frame. The standard quasar theory claims that quasars are so distant that there should be absolutely no detectable change in this value with the passage of time. If the value changes in a regular and systematic way, this would confirm that quasars are objects within the galaxy.

Quasar Triangles

If three or more quasars are within the field of view of the CCD chip, then the distance between them forms a triangle. The angles or ratio between any two sides of this triangle does not depend on magnification or orientation. Systematic angular or ratio changes over time can be used to detect proper motions by the small distortion of the elementary triangle formed by quasars taken three at a time. (see figure below).

Triangle Distorts

  The red triangle is the present day angular distances between quasars LB 9029(A), LB 8991(B) and LB 9010(C). The green triangle represents these distances 3500 years later. Image scale is 5 arcseconds per pixel (the red AB side is 15 arcminutes, small enough to fit on most amateur CCDs).

The geometry of the red triangle is distorted after a few thousand years of proper motion into the green triangle. There is a significant change in both angles and distances. In particular note how the green triangle's BC side is shorter than the red triangle by 20 percent. This indicates that the distance between quasars LB 8991 and LB 9010 is becoming smaller over the passage of time due to the relative proper motions of both quasars; it decreases from 12 arc minutes to 9.5 arcminutes in the figure. This rate of change is equivalent to one half a percent per century, therefore observations over the span of many years must be carried out.

The three quasars in the figure lie within 20 arcminutes from each other. Amateur astronomers could capture all three quasars simultaneously within the same CCD field of view if it covers at least 16 by 13 arcminutes. By carefully orienting the CCD, all three quasars should be able to fit at the three corners of the chip. There are a dozen more quasar triangles that can fit on a CCD chip.

Error Reduction Strategy


This crucial experiment demonstrates that quasars have significant proper motion proving that they are stars within our galaxy. Nearby quasars should be brighter on average than distant quasars. Nearby quasars should also have larger proper motions on average. These two additional predictions have been confirmed : It is no coincidence that one of the fastest moving quasars in our list, TON 202, is also one of the brightest in the sky. This fact has surprisingly been ignored by the astronomical community. However, amateur astronomers equipped with CCD cameras and small telescopes can track quasar proper motion and confirm the predictions of the laser star theory (Varshni, 1979).


The data reduction of observations made with the high precision astrometry satellite Hipparcos was completed recently. When the results were compared with objects whose distances were thought to be accurate, it revealed enormous errors. According to van Leeuwen et al. the distance to the supposedly well known Pleiades cluster was overestimated by as much as 7 percent. Yet other researchers claim the opposite : that Pleiades is 10 percent farther ! Even the distance to the second nearest star Alpha Centauri was underestimated by 2.3 percent. Therefore, using calibration stars the Andromeda Galaxy is now 27.4 percent further than previously estimated. (see table below for other examples)

These startling findings throw serious doubt on the published distances to many other supposedly well known objects. These humbling results confirm that astronomers still have a very long way to go before obtaining reliable distances or proper motion estimates of most astronomical objects (including quasars).

Revised Distances to Well Known Objects

Popular Name ID Old Distance
(light years)
New Distance
(light years)
Stars in our Galaxy
Gamma-2 Velorum MR 12 (WC8) 1500 850 +43.3 % van der Hucht et al.
Beta Pictoris IRAS ... 53 63 -18.9 % Crifo,F. et al.
M44 522 577 -10.5 % Mermilliod,J.-C.
Coma Berenices
Mel 111 260 288 -10.7 % Mermilliod,J.-C.
Acturus Alpha Bootes 34 37 -8.8 % Garrison,R.F.
Alpha Persei
- 554 601 -8.4 % Mermilliod,J.-C.
M45 408 380 +6.9 % van Leeuwen,F.
Nearest Star
Alpha Centauri A,B 4.3 4.40 -2.3 % Garrison,R.F.
IC2602 - 489 479 +2.0 % Mermilliod,J.-C.
Altair Alpha Aquila 16.5 16.8 -1.8 % Garrison,R.F.
Extragalactic Objects
M31 2,300,000 2,930,000 -27.4 % Feast,M.W.
Large Magellanic
LMC 166,000 180,000 -8.4 % Feast,M.W.
Great Spiral
M101 24,000,000 27,000,000 -12.5 % Paturel,G.


  1. Varshni et al., 1995.
  2. Astrometry - Available data
  3. Guide to Astrometry
  4. For amateur astrometry, Astrometrica and 'CCD Astrometry 3.0' are recommended by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
  5. Hipparcos proper motion data
  6. Amateur CCD Astronomy - Christian Buil
  7. Compute CCD field of view. (Java Applet)
  8. Steward Observatory CCD Laboratory
  9. Meyer,E., Raab,H.: 1995, CCD Astronomy, Vol.2, No.1. p.20.CCD Astrometry : Long Neglected by amateur astronomers, the field of astrometry has been revolutionized by the advent of the CCD, the personal computer, and the Hubble Guide Star Catalog.
  10. SBIG CCDs
  11. Craine, E.R.: 1977, A Handbook of Quasistellar and BL Lacertae Objects, p.169, Pachart publishing house, Tucson. (collection of quasar finder charts)
  12. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, SAO Catalog of 262,000 stars and their proper motion is from the ADC CD ROM file : CAT_0011:ASTROM/SAOJ2000/SAO.DAT. Available from the NSSDC
  13. AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers)
  14. Introduction to 3D stellar astrometry of nearby stars
  15. HST Astrometry Science Team
  16. DSS - The POSS Digitized Sky Survey
  17. RGSC HST Guide Star Catalog Search Program
  18. Two Color (U,B) Survey of Galactic Plane
  19. Optical interferometer links from JPL

[ Einstein's Caricature ] Road Sign, Speed Limit  1,078,051,651 km/hour

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