Laser Stars


The following discussion deals with the controversial nature of quasi-stellar objects; A mountain of religious belief has arisen around the red-shift theory, an epic story of mythic proportions: We are led to believe quasars have red-shifts therefore they are at cosmological distances etc ....

'A courtroom is a crucible, in it we burn away irrelevancies until we are left with a pure product: The truth , for all time.' Jean Luc Picard aka Patrick Stuart in the Star Trek episode 'The measure of a man'

In the following thesis, we 'burn' away 'irrelevancies' like the red-shift myth and propose a more down to earth theory based on a firm experimental foundation:

  1. What are quasars ?
  2. History of spectra interpretation
  3. Quasar spectra
  4. Quasar distance estimation
  5. Evidence in favour of laser stars
  6. More Evidence of Laser Stars

Galileo : In questions of science the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.
-Galileo Galilei
(Portrait © IMSS - Firenze)

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