LASER HISTORY (1917-1996)
Einstein can be considered as the father of the laser. 80 years
ago he postulated photons and stimulated emission and won the Nobel
prize for related research on the photoelectric effect. This section
discusses the historical evolution from microwave lasers to optical
lasers and finally to xray lasers and lasers discovered in
- Bertolotti,M.: 1983, Masers and Lasers, an Historical Approach,
Adam Hilger Ltd, Bristol.
- Bromberg,J.L.: 1991, The Laser in America 1950-1970, MIT Press.
- Hecht,J.: 1992, Laser Pioneers, Academic Press.
History of Astronomy
... when the first lasers were operated, I and other scientists close to the
research were surprised at how easy it turned out to be. We had assumed that,
since lasers had never been made, it must be very difficult. But once you
knew how, it was not at all difficult. Mostly what had been lacking were
ideas and concepts.
Arthur L Schawlow, 1981 Nobel Prize for Laser Spectroscopy (Bertolotti, 1983)
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