Compare These Two Nebulas ... | |
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Which one is in an object in our galaxy ? | |
The solution is obvious : Both ! The object on the left is M1; the 'Crab' nebula explosion, a well studied supernova remnant with strong radio and xray emissions. The object on the right is NGC 1275, it also has strong radio (Perseus A) and xray emissions, yet cosmologists claim its a galaxy ! |
Another example of obvious misidentification was made by Sandage (1964), he describes messier object M82 without justifying why he 'believes' it's a galaxy, he merely takes it as a given that it is extragalactic without further proof. Astronomy with these kinds of assumptions is no longer a science, it has become a myth. In fact he provides evidence to the contrary:
Yet, he completely ignores the awesome implications of this fact and goes on to say:
If M82 is an object within our galaxy, this last sentence no longer holds; the photoionization mechanism he describes is exactly what we would expect from a hot stellar object, and the hydrogen alpha filaments extending from it's center are exactly identical to the filaments of crab nebula (M1).
Another example of this tendency of extra-galactic astronomers of hijacking galactic objects are W Com, BL Lac, AP Lib, BW Tau, X Com, GQ Com and V396 Her previously known to be short period or non-periodic variable stars. The first three have been re-classified as BL Lacertae objects, the next two as Seyferts and the last two as quasars. Because of their unusual spectra or radio emission, the current belief is that these objects are extra-galactic, however in this thesis we have sufficient evidence to show that they are not extragalactic, some are laser stars.
Halton Arp pointed out four quasars associated with M82, they have a much higher density here than the average quasar density over the sky. Based on all the available evidence, the solution is simple : M82 and it's quasars form a stellar association within our galaxy. These types of star cluster are often associated with nebulosity.
Hoffmeister et al. (1985) have stated that the identification of these objects as extragalactic is somewhat arbitrary:
According to the laser star theory, even with a redshift estimate, it does not necessarily follow that the object is extragalactic, as non-LTE processes and rapid plasma ejection may be responsible for the unusual width and location of the emission and absorption lines.
...they claim that white dwarfs are 'super-soft' X-ray sources with all flux emitted below 0.4 keV. However 3 of the above x-ray sources are indeed white dwarfs as indicated by their significant proper motion.
Since the other objects in the list did not have proper motion measurements they took advantage of this 'loophole' in normal scientific reasoning to 'proclaim' that these objects are Seyfert galaxy candidates ! However this is poor science as absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
The assumption of extremely large 'cosmological' distance would artificially magnify the objects absolute x-ray flux (consult Appendix A)
Another problem which 'clouds' the interpretation (so to speak) is the assumption that if these objects are extra-galactic their x-ray fluxes would suffer the entire galactic opacity in that particular line of sight once again artificially multiplying the x-ray flux.
They use as excuse that the x-rays 'must' be emitted from deep within the stellar atmosphere, and that any x-rays would be absorbed by the atomic He or H in the relatively cool atmospheres of DC WD.
However further within the very same paper they state that one of the Seyfert candidates must be discounted because it has a confirmed late-type companion, these systems are known to produce hard x-rays. This contradict the original assumption that led the authors to believe that some of those white dwarfs were Seyfert candidates.
High mass X-ray binaries cluster near the galactic plane, but the much longer lived low mass x-ray binaries can occur anywhere in the galaxy. Recent analysis of data from x-ray satelites revealed that many x-ray sources within the galaxy have quasi-periodic oscillations. Lawrence and Papadakis (Sci-Am May 1993) reviewed EXOSAT and GINGA observations and dicovered that NGC 5548 (previously assumed to be a Seyfert galaxy) produced similar quasiperiodic x-ray oscillations of about eight minutes.
Another so-called Seyfert Galaxy, NGC 6814, also has x-ray flares that repeats with a clock-like period of 12130 seconds (Done, 1985). The period remains very stable, therefore it can only originate from the precise orbital motion of another star, therefore it's not a galaxy but a star. This confirms another prediction of the laser star theory : That certain quasars should exhibit eclipsing binary light curves just like binary stars. It is not surprising that such oscillations show up in objects such as quasars and Seyfert galaxies, many of which are actually stars within our own galaxy; they aren't extragalactic as most astronomers have stubornly claimed.
These megamasers are nothing more than ordinary galactic masers, whose absolute luminosity has been artificially magnified by the erroneous assumption that the objects are extra-galactic. The so-called galaxies containing Megamasers are actually objects within our galaxy that are emitting strong molecular lines, probably of the maser variety.
This is a very important clue that these extra-galactic objects aren't galaxies but are much closer, within our galaxy. In fact the object have very similar properties to OH/IR stars, such as strong infrared excess due to circumstellar dust shells accumulated from previous ejections.
The supernovae ejecta has extremely low density (relative to stellar densities) and they claim that collisions tend to knock excited atoms back into lower energy levels which acts like a restoring force back towards thermodynamic equilibrium. However they are neglecting the importance of another process common in these plasma regimes : Three-body recombination operates very efficiently at high electron densities. Very large over-populations can build up between the upper and lower levels of the helium atom.
The helium line grows stronger as the supernovae ages, which could indicate that the plasma parameters (n_e, T_e) at the point of rapid recombination have reached the sweet spot of maximum population inversion in the $n_e, T_e$ diagram as described in Varshni (1986). Laser action in the Helium atoms may occur if the path length is sufficiently long trough the inverted plasma, since astrophysical plasma occurs on very large scales, this requirement poses no fundamental difficulties.
In the spectrum of Type Ib supernovae, the absence of hydrogen lines is strangely similar to the absence of hydrogen lines in helium stars, central stars of planetary nebula or the related quasar. It may not necessarily be related to the low percentage of hydrogen, the hydrogen may merely have been rendered transparent by the strong ionizing radiation and/or high photospheric temperatures typical in these objects.
Hubble (1926) and Seyfert (1943) first noticed how the spectra of Seyfert nuclei are similar to planetary nebula. (NGC 1068, NGC 4051, NGC 4151) Flower (1983) compares the spectra objects he calls 'Seyfert galaxies' with planetary nebula spectra. The assumption is that the core has similarities to planetary nebulae, but on a much vaster 'galactic' scale. He compares the spectra of the core with the spectra of the nebulosity associated with nearby galactic planetary nebula, and concludes that the width of Seyfert emission lines, typically greater than 300 km/s are much wider than planetary nebula lines (about 50 km/s).
If the laser star theory is correct, this is like comparing apples and oranges, the cores of Seyfert galaxies should be compared to the central stars of the planetary nebula, not their surrounding nebulosity. Careful comparison of the spectra of planetary nuclei and Seyfert nuclei yields remarkable similarities between the width and strength of emission lines, especially in early type [WR]-like nuclei.
According to Flower (1983) the Seyfert core is unresolvable, this is exactly what we would expect is one considers these objects as stars within our galaxy.
Kafatos and Michalitsianos (1984) mention that some symbiotic stars quasar-like ejection, similar to bipolar jets observed in in gas clouds where new stars seem to be forming, and in certain planetary nebula such as Abell 30:
Kafatos and Michalitsianos (1984) also mention that the emission lines of certain symbiotics are displaced towards the red and broadened, evidence of turbulent or streaming gases. A good example of spectral signatures of supersonic plasma ejection are the types of emission lines produced in P-Cygni which has a blue shifted absorption line feature accompanying a strong and broad red-shifted emission line. Strong laser emission lines is also a natural consequence of supersonic plasma ejection rapidly cooled by adiabatic expansion and/or contact with colder circumstellar gas and dust.
Underhill (1994) uncovers evidence of jets in the hot star HD108 O7IIIfpe, and suggest when interpreting the spectra of Wolf-Rayet and O stars to use the successful model of young stellar objects (YSO) such as T Tauri and Herbig Ae, Be stars. The strongly collimated high velocity molecular gas (HVMG) bipolar outflow from YSO's bears a striking resemblance to quasar jets; possibly indicating similar mechanisms in both cases.
Comment in Science News, Sept 3, 1994 on the distance of GRS 1915+105 : 'John A. Biretta of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore cautions that the researchers haven't pinned down the distance to the object ejecting the gas, thought to be a neutron star or black hole that steals matter from a less-dense companion. If this binary star lies much closer to the Earth than the 40,000 light years they estimate, the blobs would still be cruising, but not at superluminal speeds, he says. (See also the June 1994 meeting of the AAS in Minneapolis on the jets in M87)
Special relativity is based on the invariance of the laws of physics upon the choice of inertial reference frame and the empirical fact that the speed of light in vacuum is the same for all inertial observers.
Notice the prominence of the observer in these two postulates. Implicit in the laws are the way in which they are tested, with clocks and rulers to measure events. This is similar to the correspondence between observables and hermitian operators in quantum mechanics which is the only measurement that has a physical reality in any experiment.
The laws of physics are the same everywhere, therefore phenomena observed in the laboratory could also occur eleswhere in the galaxy. This is the power behind the symmetry in the laws of physics, it's laws are independent of location and of time. i.e. effects observed across the galaxy obey the same laws. It is rather a remarkable property of the universe that we can probe so far away and so far back in time and still be able to use table-top science as a useful tool in decoding raw astronomical observations.
Given that the interplay between experimental labs and observational astrophysics has proved so fruitful in the past why now ignore this growing knowledge base of empirical observations made in thousands of laboratories around the world ?
This heavy empirical emphasis on experimental verification of phenomena has often been overlooked cosmologist.
Consider in particular the laser; It has revitalized the field of optics, revolutionized communications, medicine and industry, you probably have one of these little marvels of modern technology a few inches away in your CD-ROM drive or laser printer. You may have noticed the red laser light in supermarket bar-code readers or used as pen-sized pointers at seminars.
Considering it's prevalence in the field of physics why has it been overlooked by astronomers when it comes to explaining quasar emission lines? Perhaps it was because the field of lasers was too immature at the time Schmidt (1963) made his fateful assumption that the emission lines were redshhifted ? He may not have been aware of amplified spontaneous emission laser action in rapidly cooled recombining plasmas. This may have been excusable at the time, but not today where the field has matured and the phenomena of laser action in recombining plasmas is heavily investigated.
Some have claimed that even though laser action occurs on earth, it doesn't necessarily imply that it occurs in stars, however they fail to give any justification of this statement. This belief almost amounts to saying that 'the laws of physics are different in outer space', it is a 'privileged' environment not subject to laboratory verification. This attitude conflicts with the fundamental symmetry of the laws of physics with respect to translation in time and space. It seems to stem from an elitist attitude which unfortunately pervades fields in which are readily amenable to observational confirmation such as astronomy. i.e. 'It's just the way things are so accept it...' seems to be the prime directive in cosmological quasar theories.
Upon closer examination of the unbelievable energy production rate the QSO are 'supposed' to have, one cannot help but wonder wether the assumption of extra-galactic distance is warranted ? Considering that the rapid variability of certain objects would mean energy densities beyond imagination ! The only 'supposed' distance indicator is the assumption that the emission lines are redshifted in proportion to their distance. Arp, with some spectacular examples of contradiction to this assumption, has shown that in many cases redshift does no indicate distance. In any case the redshift versus magnitude is a scatter diagram, exactly what we would expect from a number without physical significance.
There are at least a dozen cases where the the QSO has significant proper motion. If the assumption that the QSO are at cosmological distances is retained, this would translate to motion across the sky at 10, 100 or even 1000 times the speed of light.
Burns and Price (1983) and Strom et al. (1975) mention a paradoxical situation relating to jets : If the jet is assumed to be at extragalactic distances, it could not possibly survive long enough to reach the outer lobes without some ad-hoc mechanism to re-energize the beam ! For example, in the jets ejected from Centaurus-A, the relativistic electrons in the plasma can retain their high energy for only 50 years, they must be re-accelerated many times in order to reach the inner lobe, which is assumed to be at 20,000 light years from the core !
This fact combined with the extremely rapid time variability (less than an hour) of certain cores in x-ray wavelengths leads one to ponder wether these sources are as far as the astronomers claim :
This paradox does not occur if object emitting the jets is much closer, at distances typical of the stellar system SS-433. The small scale jets can easily reach the outer lobes well before they would lose a significant portion of their energy by synchrotron losses etc...
Curiously, Blandford, et al. (1982) do not mention this paradox in their review of cosmic jets. This is an example of the 'head in the sand' effect, typical of most cosmology papers, especially if the paradox clearly indicates that the object is much closer than they would like us to believe.
A related phenomena is known as the 'buffalo' effect: Whatever is currently 'hot' in theoretical beliefs becomes all the rage, somewhat like a fashion trend. Hundreds of papers get published on exactly the same interpretation, mindlessly trampling every competing fact in it's path, like a thundering herd of American buffalo. Also somewhat like mob mentality, in the excitement and emotion of the crowd, common sense gets replaced with the collective frenzy of the moment. In the mad rush, heretics get burned at the stake as the crowd gloats on in fevered euphoria. Frenzied belief is no substitute for calm rational reason, which led Galileo to say :
'The process that makes new stars out of clouds of dust and gas seems to yield single stars and double stars in equal numbers.'
however later in the same paper they claim that most planetary nebula seem to harbor only a single star. This statement does not seem consistent with the assertion that most stars form in binary systems. In fact more recent observational data (Iben, 1995) clearly indicates that the present consensus is that most central stars of planetary nebula are binaries. Bipolar outflow, x-ray emission, dust ejection and dense surrounding emission line nebulosity (both thermal and laser nLTE) follow naturally if quasars were binary stars in which mass transfer was responsible for much of the unusual properties.
This also seems to be the consensus according to the review by Iben (1995).
More and more observational evidence of quasar-like jets are appearing in high resolution radio images of mass transfer and x-ray binaries.
These results were quite unnexpected within the context of the standard theory, however the laser star theory predicted that certain objects mistaken for galaxies would show such an excess of dust which originates from the circumstellar condensations or 'ashes' of the strong stellar winds. Young stellar objects surrounded by a thick dust cloud often emit most of their radiation in the infrared.
Another revealing piece of evidence against the cosmological explanation was uncovered during a millimeter wave survey of the surroundings of 20 quasars by McMahon and Isaak,K,G. (1994) : They found no evidence of molecular gas at millimeter wavelengths, yet they did find evidence of huge amounts of dust surrounding two of the quasars.
The spectral distribution of radiation emitted by dust is very smooth, since they assumed that the redshift was valid they would obtain an erroneously large estimate of the dust temperature. The dust would 'appear' cooler if the redshift assumption was dropped, however this would not affect the general shape of the dust spectral distribution which would still be identifiable as dust emission although at a slightly lower temperature.
Most optical quasar surveys have concentrated on very blue objects only, however Webster et al. (1994) have discovered a population of very red quasars. The red colors have little to do with the large redshifts. They used infra red cameras at the Anglo-Australian Observatory and conclude that the spectra of this class of quasar is redenned by intervening dust, and that 50 to 80 per cent of all quasars may have been overlooked because they are redder and fainter than expected.
HST evidence has revealed dust in the Crab nebula a stellar remnant, a very harsh environment in which they didn't expect to find any.
Large amounts of dust naturally collect in the circumstellar shell of a laser star, known from P-Cygni line profiles to be ejecting large amounts of plasma which later condenses into dust. (Typical of planetary nebula processes or post red-giant ejection)