Movie of continuous jets ejected from SS433 along
twin-corkscrew patterns, the axis precesses like a spinning top and the jets
respond like water ejected from a spinning lawn sprinkler. The VLA radio images
at 4.9 and 15 Ghz were taken over the span of several months in 1980-81.
(see also the
MERLIN Movie) |
- "SS433 is like another X-ray emitting binary, Cyg X-3, whose radio flares are nearly
identical examples of radiation events of the type most often thought of in
connection with quasars."
-Hjellming, 1991
VLBI image of high velocity jets expanding away from
X-ray binary Cyg X-3,
the distance is uncertain because it is based on HI absorption, which makes
assumptions about hydrogen density distributions along the intervening spiral arms.
(Johnston, 1987) |
15 Ghz VLA image of symbiotic star CH Cyg showing jets moving at a rate of
1.1 arcsec per year
(Taylor, 1986) |
Many radio emitting OB stars and
don't fit the standard theory of
simple free-free emission from
ionized winds.
Non-thermal radiation from
synchrotron mechanisms or shocks in the outer parts of the winds may be the source
of the anomalous radio emissions. The
optical spectra of SS 433
has very strong and broad emission lines very similar to the
typical quasar spectra (PHL 5200).
There is no clear dividing line between the symbiotic stars, slow novae and stellar winds.
If the quasar redshift assumption is dropped, the remarkable continuum of properties
common to all of these jet emitting stars is easily understood :
Quasars are stars within our galaxy !
Laser action
(Varshni, 1979)
is the extremely obvious solution to one of the most intriguing
astrophysical problems of the century has been ignored by overly competitive astronomers too
entrenched in their cosmological quasar interpretation to take notice of the
similarity between quasars and jet emitting emission line stars.
Fang (1981)
has also proposed laser action in a rapidly cooled recombining plasma as the source
of the strong emission lines in the spectrum of SS 433.
Jets From SS433 (Astronomy Picture of the day, Mar 6, 1996)
SS433 Paper by Fred at the Young European Radio Astronomers' Conference (YERAC) - Has
color animation of
SS433 ejection by MERLIN radio telescope. see also
X-Ray Binaries at Jodrell Bank
- Margon,B. et al.: 1979, ApJ., 230, L41.
(Optical spectra of SS433)
Physical Conditions at the Origin of the SS433 Jets
- [ NEW ]Astrophysical jet simulation
- [ NEW ]Computational Techniques in Astrophysical Gas Dynamics
Short Timescale Variability of the Hard X-ray Flux from Cygnus X-1
BATSE Earth Occultation Observations of Cygnus X-1 in 1993
- Miller et al.: 1995, ApJ., 448, L77.
(Optical spectra of quasar PHL5200)
- Margon,B.: 1984, Ann.Rev.Astron.Astrophys., 22, 507.
(time variation of SS433 spectra)
- Davidson,K., McCray,R.: 1980, ApJ., 241, 1082.
SS 433 as a Prototype of Astrophysical Jets
- Begelman, et al. : 1980, ApJ., 238, 722.
Beam Models for SS 433
- Hjellming,R.M.: 1991, in Galactic and Extragalactic Radio Astronomy, 2nd ed. p.381,
eds. Kellermann, K.I, Vershuur,G.L., Springer Verlag.
- Johnston,K.J.: 1987, Private communication.
Taylor et al. : 1986, Nature 319, 38.
- Fang,L.: 1981, Scientia Sinica, 24, 207.
Rapidly cooled plasma recombination laser in objects with accretion disks like SS 433
Bahcall,J.N., Kirhakos,S., Schneider,D.P., Davis,R.J., Muxlow,T.W.B., Garrington,S.T., Conway,R.G.,
Unwin,S.C.: 1995, ApJ., 452, L91.
Combined Radio and Optical images of
3C 273 jet (HST/MERLIN)
(see also
LALN preprint)
- Tomov,T., Kolev,D., Munari,U., Antov,A.: 1996, MNRAS, 278, 542.
Time-resolved high-resolution spectroscopy of CH Cygni : evidence for a magnetic propeller state in 1994.
- Skopal,A.: 1995, IAU Inform.Bull.Var.Stars, 4157, 1.
Photometric observations of eclipses in the symbiotic triple system CH Cygni.
- Leahy,D.A., Volk,K.: 1995, ApJ., 440, 847.
ROSAT PSPC Observations of the Symbiotic CH Cygni
- Skopal,A., Bode,M.F., Bryce,M., Meaburn,J., Tamura,S.: 1995, Astrophys. Space Sci., 224, 559.
Circumstellar matter in the symbiotic binary CH Cyg during its current outburst.
- Schalinski et al.: 1995, ApJ., 447, 752.
VLBI Observations of Cygnus X-3 during the 1985 October Radio Outburst
- Terasawa,N., Nakamura,H.: 1995, AA., 294, 443.
Ionization structure of Cygnus X-3: Iron anomaly in Wolf-Rayet stars?
I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin
not with the Scriptures, but with experiments, and demonstrations.
-Galileo Galilei
(Portrait © IMSS - Firenze)
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