High Power Pulsed Lasers
In the last decade, the power lasers can produce has increased by a factor of over one thousand times.
Most ultra-high power lasers are now based on chirped pulse amplification (CPA).
This revolutionary pulse-compression technique allows even small table-top lasers
to produce power levels achievable with building-sized lasers of a decade ago.
The power levels now achieved in many university labs is sufficient for
efficient and economical plasma recombination x-ray lasers pumped by optical field ionization (OFI).
Bibliography of short pulse laser-plasma interactions
Last update:
Jan 27 1997
This bibliography
was compiled to supplement a recent review article written by
Paul Giggon,
he co-authored a paper with Eckhart Förster in
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 38, p769-793, 1996.
Unlike the article, which was intended as a gentle introduction for a
non-specialist reader, this list is intended to be fairly comprehensive - at
least as far as the interaction physics aspects are concerned.
Some of the entries may be belong to more than one category, or may be
- Burgess, D., & Hutchinson, H. 1993. Stronger than atoms.
New Scientist, 140, 28-33.
- Campbell, E. M. 1992. The physics of megajoule, large-scale and ultrafast short-scale laser plasmas.
Phys. Fluids B, 4, 3781-3799.
- Gamaliy, E. G. 1994. Ultrashort powerful laser matter interaction: Physical problems, models and computations.
Laser and Part. Beams, 12, 185-208.
- Gibbon, P., & Förster, E. 1996. Short pulse laser-plasma interactions.
Plasma Phys. Control Fusion, 38, 769-793.
- Joshi, C. J., & Corkum, P. B. 1995. Interactions of ultra-intense laser light with matter.
Phys. Today, 48, 36-43.
- Luther-Davies, B., Gamalii, E. G., Wang, Y., Rode, A. V., & Tikhonchuk, V. T. 1992. Matter in ultrastrong laser fields.
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., 22, 289-325.
- Mourou, G., & Umstadter, D. 1992. Development and applications of compact high-intensity lasers.
Phys. Fluids B, 4, 2315-2325.
- Murnane, M. M., Kapteyn, H. C., Rosen, M. D., & Falcone, R. W. 1991. Ultrafast X-ray pulses from laser-produced plasmas.
Science, 251, 531-536.
Short pulse X-ray generation
Applications of X Rays Generated from Lasers and Other Bright Sources
Kyrala,G.A., Gauthier,J-C. J. (eds) SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3157, Aug 1997, San Diego, CA, USA. ISBN: 0-8194-2579-6
- Audebert, P., Geindre, J. P., Gauthier, J. C., Mysyrowicz, A., Chambaret, J. P., & Antonetti, A. 1992. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of a 80fs laser-produced plasma.
Europhys. Lett., 19, 189-194.
- Audebert, P., Geindre, J. P., Rousse, A., Gauthier, J. C., Mysyrowicz, A., Grillon, G., & Antonetti, A. 1994. K-shell emission dynamics of Be-like to He-like ions from a 100 fs laser-produced aluminium plasma.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 27, 3303-3314.
- Kieffer, J. C., Chaker, M., Matte, J. P., Pépin, H., Côté, C. Y., Beaudoin, Y., Johnston, T. W., Cien, C. Y., Coe, S., Mourou, G., & Peyrusse, O. 1993. Ultrafast x-ray sources.
Phys. Fluids B, 5, 2676-2681.
Kmetec, J. D., Gordon, C. L., Macklin, J. J., Lemoff, B. E., Brown, G. S., & Harris, S. E. 1992. MeV X-ray generation with a femtosecond laser.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, 1527-1530.
- Kuhlke, D., Herpes, U., & von der Linde, D. 1987. Soft X-ray emission from subpicosecond laser-produced plasmas.
Appl. Phys. Lett, 50, 1785.
Milchberg, H. M., Lyubomirsky, I., & III, C. G. Durfee. 1991. Factors controlling the x-ray pulse emission from an intense femtosecond laser heated solid.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 67, 2654-2657.
- Murnane, M. M., Kapteyn, H. C., Rosen, M. D., & Falcone, R. W. 1991. Ultrafast X-ray pulses from laser-produced plasmas.
Science, 251, 531-536.
Rousse, A., Audebert, P., Geindre, J. P., Falliès, F., Gauthier, J. C., Mysyrowicz, A., Grillon, G., & Antonetti, A. 1994. Efficient K x-ray source from femtosecond laser-produced plasmas.
Phys. Rev. E, 50, 2200-2207.
- Schnürer, M., Kalashnikov, M.P., Nickles, P.V., Schlegel, Th., Sandner, W., Demchenko, N., Nolte, R., & Ambrosi, P. 1995. Hard X-ray emission above from intense short pulse laser plasmas.
Phys. Plasmas, 2, 3106-3110.
- Shepherd, R., Booth, R., Price, D., Bowers, M, Swan, D., Bonlie, J., Young, B., Dunn, J., White, B., & Stewart, R. 1994. Ultrafast x-ray streak camera for use in ultrashort laser-produced plasma research.
Rev. Sci. Instr., 66, 719-721.
- Soom, B., Chen, H., Fisher, Y., & Meyerhofer, D. D. 1993. Strong emission in picosecond laser-plasma interactions.
J. Appl. Phys., 74, 5372-5377.
Stearns, D. G., Landen, O. L., Campbell, E. M., & Scofield, J. H. 1988. Generation of ultrashort x-ray pulses.
Phys. Rev. A, 37, 1684-1690.
- Teubner, U., Wülker, C., & E. Förster, W. Theobald. 1995. X-ray spectra from high-intensity subpicosecond laser produced plasmas.
Phys. Plasmas, 2, 972-981.
Workman, J., Maksimchuk, A., Liu, X., Ellenberger, U., Coe, J. S., Chien, C.-Y., & Umstadter, D. 1995. Control of bright picosecond X-ray emission from intense subpicosecond laser-plasma interactions.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 2324-2327.
Propagation of intense laser pulses in plasmas
- Abramyan, L. A., Litvak, A. G., Mironov, V. A., & Sergeev, A. M. 1992. Self-focusing and relativistic waveguiding of an ultrashort laser pulse in a plasma.
Sov. Phys. JETP, 75, 978-982.
- Akhiezer, A. I., & Polovin, R. V. 1956. Theory of wave motion of an electron plasma.
Sov. Phys. JETP, 3, 696-705.
- Ammosov, M. V., Delone, N. B., & Krainov, V. P. 1986. Tunnel ionization of complex atoms and of atomic ions in an alternating electromagnetic field.
Sov. Phys. JETP, 64, 1191.
Antonsen Jr., T. M., & Mora, P. 1992. Self-focusing and raman scattering of laser pulses in tenuous plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 2204-2207.
Augst, S., Strickland, D., Meyerhofer, D., Cin, S. L., & Eberly, J. 1989. Tunneling ionization of noble gases in a high-intensity laser field.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 63, 2212-2215.
- Auguste, T., Monot, P., Lompré, L.-A., Mainfray, G., & Manus, C. 1992a. Defocusing effects of a picosecond terawatt laser pulse in an underdense plasma.
Optics Commun., 89, 145-148.
- Auguste, T., Monot, P., Lompré, L. A., Mainfray, G., & Manus, C. 1992b. Multiply charges ions produced in noble gases by a 1ps laser pulse at nm.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 25, 4181-4194.
- Auguste, T., Monot, P., Mainfray, G., Manus, C., Gary, S., & Louis-Jacquet, M. 1994. Focusing behavior of a multi-terawatt laser pulse in a gas jet.
Optics Commun., 105, 292-296.
Bardsley, J. N., Penetrante, B. M., & Mittleman, M. H. 1989. Relativistic dynamics of electrons in intense laser fields.
Phys. Rev. A, 40, 3823-3835.
- Bonnaud, G., Brandi, H. S., Manus, C., Mainfray, G., & Lehner, T. 1994. Relativistic and ponderomotive self-focusing of a laser beam in a radially inhomogeneous plasma. II.
Phys. Plasmas, 1, 968-989.
Borisov, A. B., Borovskiy, A. V., Korobkin, V. V., Prokhorov, A. M., Rhodes, C. K., & Shiryaev, O. B. 1990. Stabilization of relativistic self-focusing of intense subpicosecond ultraviolet pulses in plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 65, 1753-1756.
Borisov, A. B., Borovskiy, A. V., Korobkin, V. V., Prokhorov, A. M., Shiryaev, O. B., Shi, X. M., Luk, T. S., McPherson, A, Solem, J. C., Boyer, K., & Rhodes, C. K. 1992a. Observation of relativistic and charge-displacement self-channeling of intense subpicosecond ultraviolet (248nm) radiation in plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, 2309-2312.
Borisov, A. B., Borovskiy, A. V., Shiryaev, O. B., Korobkin, V. V., Prokhorov, A. M., Solem, J. C., Luk, T., Boyer, K., & Rhodes, C. K. 1992b. Relativistic and charge-displacement self-channeling of intense ultrashort laser pulses in plasmas.
Phys. Rev. A, 45, 5830-5845.
- Brandi, H. S., Manus, C., Mainfray, G., Lehner, T., & Bonnaud, G. 1994. Relativistic and ponderomotive self-focusing of a laser beam in a radially inhomogeneous plasma. II.
Phys. Fluids B, 5, 3539-3550.
Brown, L. S., & Kibble, T. W. B. 1964. Interaction of intense laser beams with electrons.
Phys. Rev., 133, A705-A719.
- Bulanov, S. V., Inovenkov, I. N., Kirsanov, V. I., Naumova, N. M., & Sakharov, A. S. 1992. Nonlinear depletion of ultrashort and relativistically strong laser pulases in an underdense plasma.
Phys. Fluids, 4, 1935-1942.
Bulanov, S. V., Pegoraro, F., & Pukhov, A. 1995. Two-dimensional regimes of self-focusing, wake-field generation and induced focusing of a short intense laser pulse in an underdense plasma.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 710-713.
- Burnett, N. H., & Corkum, P. B. 1987. Cold-plasma production for recombination extreme-ultraviolet lasers by optical-field-induced ionization.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 6, 1195-1199.
Chen, X. L., & Sudan, R. N. 1993. Necessary and sufficient conditions for self-focusing of short ultraintense laser pulses in underdense plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 2082-2085.
Coverdale, C. A., Darrow, C. B., Decker, C. D., Mori, W. B., Tzeng, K.-C., Marsh, K. A., Clayton, C. E., & Joshi, C. 1995. Propagation of intense subpicosecond laser pulses through underdense plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 4659-4662.
Darrow, C. B., Coverdate, C., Perry, M. D., Mori, W. B., Clayton, C., Marsh, K., & Joshi, C. 1992. Strongly coupled stimulated Raman backscatter from subpicosecond laser-plasma interactions.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 442-445.
Decker, C. D., Mori, W. B., & Katsouleas, T. 1994. Particle-in-cell simulations of Raman forward scattering from short-pulse high-intensity lasers.
Phys. Rev. E, 50, R3338-R3341.
Durfee III, C. G., & Milchberg, H. M. 1993. Light pipe for high intensity laser pulses.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 71, 2409-2412.
Eberly, J. H., & Sleeper, A. 1968. Trajectory and mass shift of a classical electron in a radiation Pulse.
Phys. Rev., 176, 1570-1573.
- Freeman, R. R., Bucksbaum, P. H., Milchberg, H., Darack, S., Schumacher, D., & Geusic, M. E. 1987. Above-threshold ionisation with subpicosecond laser pulses.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 59, 1092.
- Gibbon, P., Monot, P., Auguste, T., & Mainfray, G. 1995. Measurable signatures of relativistic self-focusing in underdense plasmas.
Phys. Plasmas, 2, 1305-1310.
Glover, T. E., Donnelly, T. D., Lipman, E. A., Sullivan, A., & Falcone, R. W. 1994. Subpicosecond Thomson scattering measurements of optically ionized helium plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 73, 78-81.
Goldman, M. V. 1984. Strong turbulence of plasma waves.
Rev. Mod. Phys., 56, 709-735.
- Gorbunov, L. M., & Kirsanov, V. I. 1987. Excitation of plasma waves by an electromagnetic wave packet.
Sov. Phys. JETP, 66, 290-294.
- Guérin, S., Laval, G., Mora, P., Adam, J. C., Héron, A., & Bendib, A. 1995. Modulational and Raman instabilities in the relativistic regime.
Phys. Plasmas, 2, 2807-2814.
- Gunn, J. E., & Ostriker, J. P. 1971. On the motion and radiation of charged particles in strong electromagnetic waves. I. Motion in plane and spherical waves.
Astrophys. J., 165, 523-541.
- Keldysh, L. V. 1965. Ionization in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave.
Sov. Phys. JETP, 20, 1307.
Krall, J., Ting, A., Esarey, E., & Sprangle, P. 1994. Enhanced acceleration in a self-modulated laser wakefied accelerator.
Phys. Rev. E, 48, 2157-2160.
Leemans, W., Clayton, C. E., Mori, W. B., Marsh, K. A., Kaw, P. K., Dyson, A., Joshi, C., & Wallace, J. M. 1992. Experiments and simulations of tunnel-ionized plasmas.
Phys. Rev. A, 46, 1091-1105.
- Litvak, A. G. 1968. Finite-amplitude wave beams in a magnetoactive plasma.
Zn. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 57, 344-347.
- Mackinnon, A. J., Allfrey, S., Borghesi, M., Iwase, A., Willi, O., & Walsh, F. 1995. Optical guiding of 10TW picosecond laser pulses in preformed density channels at high intensities and densities.
Pages 337-340 of: Rose, S. J. (ed), Laser interaction with matter, vol. 140. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser.
- Mainfray, G., & Manus, C. 1993. Nonlinear optical processes in atoms and weakly relativistic plasmas.
Pages 313-361 of: Wolf, E. (ed), Progress in Optics XXXII, vol. 32. North-Holland: Elsevier.
Marquès, J. R., Geindre, J. P., Amiranoff, F., Audebert, P., Gauthier, J. C., Antonetti, A., & Grillon, G. 1996. Temporal and spatial measurements of the electron density perturbation produced in the wake of an ultra-short laser pulse.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 3566-3569.
Max, C. E., Arons, J., & Langdon, A. B. 1974. Self-modulation and self-focusing of electromagnetic waves in Plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 33, 209-212.
McKinstrie, C. J., & Russell, D. A. 1988. Nonlinear focusing of coupled waves.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, 2929-2932.
Monot, P., Auguste, T., Gibbon, P., Jackober, F., & Mainfray, G. 1995a. Collimation of an intense laser beam by a weakly relativistic plasma.
Phys. Rev. E, 52, R5780-R5783.
Monot, P., Auguste, T., Gibbon, P., Jackober, F., Mainfray, G., Dulieu, A., Louis-Jacquet, M., Malka, G., & Miquel, J. L. 1995b. Experimental demonstration of relativistic self-channeling of a multi-terawatt laser pulse in an underdense plasma.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 2953-2956.
- Montgomery, D., & Tidman, P. 1964. Secular and nonsecular behavior for the cold plasma equations.
Phys. Fluids, 7, 242.
Mori, W. B., Joshi, C., Dawson, J. M., Forslund, D. W., & Kindel, J. M. 1988. Evolution of self-focusing of intense electromagnetic waves in plasma.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 60, 1298-1301.
Mori, W. B., Decker, C. D., Hinkel, D. E., & Katsouleas, T. 1994. Raman forward scattering of short-pulse high-intensity lasers.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 1482-1485.
- Ostriker, J. P., & Gunn, J. E. 1968. On the nature of pulsars. I. Theory.
Astrophys. J., 157, 1395-1417.
Pukhov, A., & Meyer-ter-Vehn, J. 1996. Relativistic magnetic self-channeling of light in plasma. Three-dimensional PIC simulation.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 3975-3978.
- Rae, S. C. 1993. Ionization-induced defocusing of intense laser pulses in high-pressure gases.
Optics Commun., 97, 25-28.
Sakharov, A. S., & Kirsanov, V. I. 1994. Theory of Raman scattering for a short ultrastrong laser pulse in a rarefied plasma.
Phys. Rev. E, 49, 3274-3282. Schmidt, G., & Horton, W. 1985. (see also
Comments Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion, 9, 85.)
Shvets, G. & Wurtele, J. S. 1994. Instabilities of short-pulse propagation through plasma channels.
Phys. Rev. Lett. , 73, 3540.
- Shvets, G., Fisch, N. J. & Rax, J.-M. 1996. Relativistic Raman instability shifted by half-plasma frequency.
Phys. Plasmas, 4, 1109.
- Sprangle, P., & Esarey, E. 1992. Interaction of ultrahigh laser fields with beams and plasmas.
Phys. Fluids B, 4, 2241-2248.
- Sprangle, P., Tang, C.-M., & Esarey, E. 1987. Relativistic self-focusing of short-pulse radiation beams in plasmas.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 15, 145-153.
- Stamper, J. A., Lehmberg, R. H., Schmitt, A., Herbst, M. J., Young, F. C., Gardner, J. H., & Obenshain, S. P. 1985. Evidence in the second-harmonic emission for self-focusing of a laser pulse in a plasma.
Phys. Fluids, 28, 2563-2569.
- Sullivan, A., Hamster, H., Gordon, S. P., Nathel, H., & Falcone, R. W. 1994. Propagation of intense, ultrashort laser pulses in plasmas.
Optics Lett., 19, 1544-1546.
- Sun, G.-Z., Ott, E., Lee, Y. C., & Guzdar, P. 1987. Self-focusing of short intense pulses in plasmas.
Phys. Fluids, 30, 526-532.
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Tzeng, K.-C., Mori, W. B., & Decker, C. D. (in press, 1996). The anomalous absorption and scattering of short-pulse high-intensity lasers in underdense plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
- Vlasov, S. N., Petrishchev, V. A., & Talanov, V. I. 1971.
Izv. Vyssh. Ucheb. Zaved. Radiofiz., 14, 1062.
- Zakharov, V. E. 1972. Collapse of langmuir waves.
JETP, 35, 908.
X-Ray Lasers
Amendt, P., Eder, D. C., & Wilks, S. C. 1991. X-ray lasing by optical-field-induced ionization.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 66, 2589-2592.
Blyth, W. J., Preston, S. G., Offenberger, A. A., Key, M. H., Wark, J. S., Najmudin, Z., Modena, A., Djaoui, A., & Dangor, A. E. 1995. Plasma temperature in optical field ionization of gases by intense ultrashort pulses of ultraviolet radiation.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 554-557.
- Burnett, N. H., & Enright, G. D. 1990. Population inversion in the recombination of optically-ionized plasmas.
IEEE J. Quant. Elec., 26, 1797-1808.
Dunne, M., Afshar-Rad, T., Edwards, J., MacKinnon, A. J., Viana, S. M., Willi, O., & Pert, G. 1994. Experimental observations of the expansion of an optical-field-induced ionization channel in a gas jet target.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 1024-1027.
- Fill, E. 1994. X-Ray Lasers (Part II).
Appl. Phys. B, 58, 1.
- Key, M. H. 1985. X-Ray lasers.
Nature, 316, 314.
- Matthews, D. L., & Rosen, M. D. 1988. Soft-X-Ray Lasers.
Scientific American, December, 86-91.
Maxon, S., Estabrook, K. G., Prasad, M. K., Osterheld, A. L., London, R. A., & Eder, D. C. 1993. High gain X-ray lasers at the water window.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 2285-2288.
Offenberger, A. A., Blyth, W., Dangor, A. E., Djaoui, A., Key, M. H., Najmudin, Z., & Wark, J. S. 1993. Electron temperature of optically ionized gases produced by high intensity 268nm radiation.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 71, 3983-3986.
Penetrante, B. M., & Bardsley, J. N. 1991. Residual energy in plasmas produced by intense subpicosecond lasers.
Phys. Rev. A, 43, 3100.
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Nature, 53, 274.
- Steyer, M., Schäfer, F. P., Szatmari, S., & Kühnle, G. 1990. Feasibility of a laboratory X-ray laser pumped by ultrashort UV laser pulses.
Appl. Phys. B, 50, 265-273.
- Strobel, G. L., Eder, D. C., & Amendt, P. 1994. Saturation intensity for ultrashort-pulse X-ray laser schemes.
Appl. Phys. B, 58, 45-50.
- Willi, O., Afshar-Rad, T., Barrow, V., Edwards, J., & Smith, R. 1989. Basic physics studies for novel X-ray laser schemes using ultra-short laser pulses.
Pages 194-199 of: Falcone, R. W., & Kirz, J. (eds), Short Wavelength Coherent Radiation: Generation and Applications. New York: AIP.
Harmonic generation in plasmas
This section does not include harmonics generated in gases by
multiphoton effects - see the review by L'Huillier instead.
Bezzerides, B., Jones, R. D., & Forslund, D. W. 1982. Plasma mechanism for ultraviolet harmonic radiation due to intense CO light.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 49, 202-205.
Burnett, N. H., Baldis, H. A., Richardson, M. C., & Enright, G. D. 1977. Harmonic generation in CO laser target interaction.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 31, 172-174.
Carman, R. L., Rhodes, C. K., & Benjamin, R. F. 1981a. Observation of harmonics in the visible and ultraviolet created in CO-laser-produced plasmas.
Phys. Rev. A, 24, 2649-2663.
Carman, R. L., Forslund, D. W., & Kindel, J. M. 1981b. Visible harmonic emission as a way of measuring profile steepening.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 46, 29-32.
- Castillo-Herrera, C. I., & Johnston, T. W. 1993. Incoherent harmonic emission from strong electromagnetic waves in plasmas.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 21, 125-135.
- Esarey, E., Ting, A., Sprangle, P., Umstadter, D., & Liu, X. 1993. Nonlinear analysis of relativistic harmonic generation by intense lasers in plasmas.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 21, 95-104.
Gibbon, P. 1996. Harmonic generation by femtosecond laser-solid interaction: A coherent water-window light source?
Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 50-53.
- Grebogi, C., Tripathi, V. K., & Chen, H-H. 1983. Harmonic generation of radiation in a steep density profile.
Phys. Fluids, 26, 1904-1908.
- Kohlweyer, S., Tsakiris, G. D., Wahlström, C.-G., Tillman, C., & Mercer, I. 1995. Harmonic generation from solid-vacuum interface irradiated at high laser intensities.
Op. Commun., 117, 431-438.
L'Huillier, A., & Balcou, Ph. 1993. High-order harmonic generation in rare gases with a 1-ps 1053-nm laser.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 774-777.
- L'Huillier, A., Auguste, T., Balcou, Ph., Carre, B., Monot, P., Salieres, P., Altucii, C., Gaarde, M. B., Larsson, J., Mevel, E., Starczewski, T., Svanberg, S., Wahlstrom, C. G., Zerne, R., Budil, K. S., Ditmire, T., & Perry, M. D. 1995. High-order harmonics - a coherent source in the XUV range.
J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Mat., 4, 647-665.
- Lichters, R., Meyer-ter-Vehn, J., & Pukhov, A. 1996. Short-pulse laser harmonics from oscillating plasma surfaces driven at relativistic intensity.
Physics of Plasmas, 3, 3425-3437.
- Liu, X., Umstadter, D., Esarey, E., & Ting, A. 1993. Harmonic generation by an intense laser pulse in neutral and ionized gases.
IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci., 21, 90-93.
- McLean, E. A., Stamper, J. A., Ripin, B. H., Griem, H. R., McMahon, J. M., & Bodner, S. E. 1978. Harmonic generation in Nd:laser-produced plasmas.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 31, 825-827.
- Mohideen, U., Tom, H. W. K., Freeman, R. R., Bokor, J., & Bucksbaum, P. H. 1992. Interaction of free electrons with an intense focused laser pulse in Gaussian and conical axicon geometries.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 9, 2190-2195.
Mori, W. B. 1991. Generation of tunable radiation using an underdense ionization front.
Phys. Rev. A, 44, 5118-5121.
- Mori, W. B. 1993. Guest Editorial: Special issue on the generation of coherent radiation using plasmas.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 21, 1-4.
- Mori, W. B. 1994. Overview of laboratory plasma radiation sources.
Physica Scripta, T52, 28-35.
- Mori, W. B., Decker, C. D., & Leemans, W. P. 1993. Relativistic harmonic content of nonlinear electromagnetic waves in underdense plasmas.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 21, 110-119.
Norreys, P. A., Zepf, M., Moustaizis, S., Fews, A. P., Zhang, J., Lee, P., Bakarezos, M., Danson, C. N., Dyson, A., Gibbon, P., Loukakos, P., Neely, D., Walsh, F. N., Wark, J. S., & Dangor, A. E. 1996. Efficient XUV harmonics generated from picosecond laser pulse interactions with solid targets.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 1832-1835.
Rax, J. M., & Fisch, N. J. 1992. Third harmonic generation with ultrahigh-intensity laser pulses.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 772-775.
- Rax, J. M., & Fisch, N. J. 1993. Phase-matched third harmonic generation in a plasma.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 21, 105-109.
Ride, S.K., Esarey, E., & Baine, M. 1995. Thomson scattering of intense lasers from electron-beams at arbitrary interaction angles.
Phys. Rev. E, 52, 5425-5442.
Sarachik, E. S., & Schappert, G. T. 1970. Classical theory of the scattering of intense laser radiation by free electrons.
Phys. Rev. D, 1, 2738-2753.
Sprangle, P., & Esarey, E. 1991. Stimulated backscattered harmonic generation from intense laser interactions with beams and plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 67, 2021-2024.
von der Linde, D., Engers, T., Jenke, G., Agostini, P., Grillon, G., Nibbering, E., Mysyrowicz, A., & Antonetti, A. 1995. Generation of high-order harmonics from solid surfaces by intense femtosecond laser pulses.
Phys. Rev. A, 52, R25-R27.
Ward, J. F., & New, G. H. C. 1969. Optical third harmonic generation in gases by a focused laser beam.
Phys. Rev., 185, 57-72.
Wilks, S. C., Dawson, J. M., Mori, W. B., Katsouleas, T., & Jones, M. E. 1989. Photon accelerator.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 2600-2603.
- Wilks, S. C., Kruer, W. L., & Mori, W. B. 1993. Odd harmonic generation of ultra-intense laser pulses reflected from an overdense plasma.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 21, 120-124.
Zhang, J., Zepf, M., Norreys, P. A., Dangor, A. E., Bakarezos, M., Danson, C. N., Dyson, A., Fews, A. P., Gibbon, P., Lee, P., Loukakos, P., Moustaizis, S., Neely, D., Walsh, F. N., & Wark, J. S. 1996. Coherence and bandwidth measurements of harmonics generated from solid surfaces irradiated by intense picosecond laser pulses.
Phys. Rev. A, 54, 1597-1603.
Plasma based particle acceleration
Amiranoff, F., & et al. 1995.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 5220-5223.
- Andreev, N. E., Gorbunov, L. M., Kirsanov, V. I., Pogosova, A. A., & Ramazashvili, R. R. 1992. Resonant excitation of wakefields by a laser pulse in a plasma.
JETP Lett., 55, 571-576.
- Chiou, T. C. et al. 1995. Laser wake-field acceleration and optical guiding in a hollow plasma channel.
Phys. Plasmas, 2, 310
- Clayton, C. E., & et al. 1993.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 70, 37-40.
- Dawson, J. M. 1989. Plasma Particle Accelerators.
Scientific American, 260, 54-61.
- Everett, M., Lal, A., Gordon, D., Clayton, C. E., Marsh, K. A., & Joshi, C. 1994. Trapped electron acceleration by a laser-driven relativistic plasma wave.
Nature, 368, 527-529.
Everett, M. J., & et al. 1995.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 1355-1358.
- Gibbon, P. 1992. A numerical model of the plasma beat-wave accelerator.
Comp. Phys. Commun., 69, 299-305.
- Katsouleas, T., Bingham, R., & (Eds.). 1996, in press. Special issue on 2nd generation plasma accelerators.
IEEE Trans. Plas. Sci.
Kitagawa, Y., Matsumoto, T., Minamihata, T., Sawai, K., Matsuo, K., Mima, K., Nishihara, K., Azechi, H., Tanaka, K. A., Takabe, H., & Nakai, S. 1992. Beat-wave excitation of plasma wave and observation of accelerated electrons.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, 48-51.
- Modena, A., Najmudin, Z., Dangor, A. E., Clayton, C. E., Marsh, K. A., Joshi, C., Malka, V., Darrow, C. B., Danson, C., Neely, D., & Walsh, F. N. 1995. Electron acceleration from the breaking of relativistic plasma waves.
Nature, 377, 606-608.
Mora, P., Pesme, D., Héron, A., Laval, G., & Silvestre, N. 1988. Modulational instability and its consequences for the beat-wave accelerator.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, 1611-1614.
Nakajima, K., Fisher, D., Kawakubo, T., Nakanishi, H, Ogata, A., Kato, Y., Kitagawa, Y., Kodama, R., Mima, K., Shiraga, H., Suzuki, K., Yamakawa, K., Zhang, T., Sakawa, Y., Shoji, T., Nishida, Y., Yugami, N., Downer, M., & Tajima, T 1995. Observation of ultrahigh gradient electron acceleration by a self-modulated intense short laser pulse.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 4428-4431.
- Sprangle, P., Esarey, E., Ting, A., & Joyce, G. 1988. Laser wakefield acceleration and relativistic optical guiding.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 53, 2146-2148.
Sprangle, P., Esarey, E., & Ting, A. 1990a. Nonlinear Interaction of Intense Laser Pulses in Plasmas.
Phys. Rev. A, 41, 4463-4469.
Sprangle, P., Esarey, E., & Ting, A. 1990b. Nonlinear Theory of Intense Laser-Plasma Interactions.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 64, 2011-2014.
Sprangle, P., Esarey, E., Krall, J., & Joyce, G. 1992. Propagation and Guiding of Intense Laser Pulses in Plasmas.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 2200-2203.
- (bad URL)
Tajima, T., & Dawson, J. M. 1979. Laser Electron Accelerator.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 43, 267-270.
- Tang, C. M., Sprangle, P., & Sudan, R. N. 1984. Excitation of the plasma waves in the laser beat-wave accelerator.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 45, 375-377.
- Wurtele, J. S. 1993. The Role of Plasma in Advanced Accelerators.
Phys. Fluids B, 5, 2363-2370.
Super-dense plasmas
- Edwards, J., & Rose, S. J. 1993. Ionization timescales in hot dense plasmas.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 26, L523-L527.
Furukawa, H., & Nishihara K. 1990.
Phys. Rev A, 42, 3532.
- (bad URL)
Hansen, J.P., & McDonald, I.R. 1981.
Phys. Rev A, 23, 2041.
Kato, S., Kawakami, R., & Mima, K. 1991.
Phys. Rev A, 43, 5560.
- Lee, Y. T., & More, R. M. 1984. An electron conductivity model for dense plasmas.
Phys. Fluids, 27, 1273-1286.
- Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A.W., Rosenbluth, M.N., Teller, A.H., & E. Teller,
J. Chem. Phys., 21, 1087 (1953).
- More, R. M., Warren, K. H., Young, D. A., & Zimmerman, G. B. 1988. A new quotidian equation of state (QEOS) for hot dense matter.
Phys. Fluids, 31, 3059-3078.
- Pfalzner, S. 1991. Statistical description of ionization potentials in dense plasmas.
Appl. Phys. B, 53, 203-206.
- Pfalzner, S. 1992. Field ionization in dense plasmas.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 25, L545-L549.
- Pfalzner, S., & Rose, S. J. 1993. Thomas-Fermi model for dense plasmas with strong electric fields.
Comp. Phys. Commun., 75, 98-104.
Laser-plasma interactions (long pulse)
Included here are a few works which predated the advent of femtosecond pulses, (motivated instead by laser fusion (ICF) applications) but
which often still apply in the femtosecond regime. The best starting point for
the theory of coronal plasmas in ICF is probably Kruer's book (1988).
- Albritton, J., & Koch, P. 1975. Cold plasma wavebreaking: production of energetic electrons.
Phys. Fluids, 18, 1136-1139.
Bezzerides, B., DuBois, D. F., & Forslund, D. W. 1977. Magnetic field generation by resonance absorption of light.
Phys. Rev. A, 16, 1678-1686.
- Birdsall, C.K., & Langdon, A.B. 1985.
Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Bobin, J.-L. 1985. High-intensity laser plasma interaction.
Phys. Reports, 122, 173-274.
- Cros, B., Matthieussent, G., Godiot, J., & Heron, A. 1989. Stochastic behaviour of resonant absorption in a plasma at microwave frequencies.
Europhys. Lett., 9, 41-46.
- Drake, J. F., Kaw, P. K., Lee, Y. C., Schmidt, G., Liu, C. S., & Rosenbluth, M. N. 1974. Parametric instabilities of electromagnetic waves in plasmas.
Phys. Fluids, 17, 778-785.
Estabrook, K. G., & Kruer, W. L. 1978. Properties of resonantly heated electron distributions.
Phys. Rev. Lett, 40, 42-45.
- Estabrook, K. G., Valeo, E. J., & Kruer, W. L. 1975. Two-dimensional relativistic simulations of resonance absorption.
Phys. Fluids, 18, 1151-1159.
- Faehl, R. J., & Roderick, N. F. 1978. Intensity dependence of inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in and inhomogeneous standing wave.
Phys. Fluids, 21, 793.
Forslund, D. W., Kindel, J. M., Lee, K., Lindman, E. L., & Morse, R. L. 1975a. Theory and simulation of resonance absorption in a hot plasma.
Phys. Rev. A, 11, 679-683.
- Forslund, D. W., Kindel, J. M., & Lindman, E. L. 1975b. Theory of stimulated scattering processes in laser-irradiated plasmas.
Phys. Fluids, 18, 1002-1016.
Forslund, D. W., Kindel, J. M., & Lee, K. 1977. Theory of hot-electron spectra at high laser intensity.
Phys. Rev. Lett, 39, 284-288.
- Ginzburg, V.L. 1964.
The Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Plasmas. New York: Pergamon.
Hares, J. D., Kilkenny, J. D., Key, M. H., & Lunney, J. G. 1979. Measurement of fast-electron energy spectra and preheating in laser-irradiated targets.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 42, 1216-1219.
- Heron, A., & Adam, J. C. 1984. Pseudosolitons formation in resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves.
Phys. Fluids, 27, 2005-2021.
- Jones, R. D., & Lee, K. 1982. Kinetic theory, transport, and hydrodynamics of a high-Z plasma in the presence of an intense laser field.
Phys. Fluids, 25, 2307.
Kindel, J. M., Lee, K., & Lindman, E. L. 1975. Surface-wave absorption.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 34, 134-138.
Koch, P., & Albritton, J. 1974. Electron and ion heating through resonant plasma oscillations.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 32, 1420-1423.
- Kruer, W. L. 1988.
The Physics of Laser Plasma Interactions. New York: Addison-Wesley.
- Kruer, W. L., & Estabrook, Kent. 1985. J x B heating by very intense laser light.
Phys. Fluids, 28, 430-432.
- Kull, H. 1983. Linear mode conversion in laser plasmas.
Phys. Fluids, 26, 1881-1887.
- Spitzer Jr., L., 1962.
Physics of Fully Ionized Gases. New York: John Wiley.
Stamper, J., Papadapoulos, K., Sudan, R. N., McLean, E., Dean, S., & Dawson, J. 1971.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 26, 1012-1015.
- Takabe, H., & Mulser, P. 1982. Self-consistent treatment of resonance absorption in a streaming plasma.
Phys. Fluids, 25, 2304-2306.
- Weibel, E. S. 1967. Anomalous skin effect in a plasma.
Phys. Fluids, 10, 741-748.
- White, R. B., & Chen, F. F. 1974. Amplification and absorption of electromagnetic waves in overdense plasmas.
Plasma Physics, 16, 565.
- Zel'dovich, Ya. B., & Raizer, Yu. P. 1966.
Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Phenomena. New York: Academic Press.
Femtosecond laser technology and diagnostics
This list is woefully incomplete, and largely reflects my lack of enthusiasm
for reading about diffraction gratings: there is at least one paper on
femtosecond laser technology appearing per week.
The world record for the shortest pulse length is 3.8fs (from an amplifier),
achieved at the Technical University of Wien (December 1997). This
finally gives a 6fs pulse length output from the laser. (Thanks
to Tilia Stingl from TUW for this information)
Last Revised : October 28 1998
- Barty, C. P. J., Guo, T., Blanc, C. Le, Raksi, F., Rose-Petruck, C. G., Squier, J. A., Walker, B. C., Wilson, K. R., Yakovlev, V. V., & Yamakawa, K. 1996. Sub-20-fs multiterawatt lasers and x-ray applications.
Pages 282-288 of: X-ray lasers 1996, vol. 151. Bristol: IOP.
- Beaud, P., Richardson, M., Miesak, E. J., & Chai, B. H. T. 1993. 8-TW 90-fs Cr:LiSAF laser.
Optics Lett., 18, 1550-1552.
- Danson, C., Barzanti, L.J., Chang, Z., & Damerell, A.E. 1993. High contrast multi-terawatt pulse generation using chirped pulse amplification on the VULCAN laser facility.
Optics Comm., 103, 392-397.
- F. P. Schäfer. 1992. SIMBA: Vorschlag für ein Hochleistungslaser-Labor.
Phys. Blätter, 48, 606-607.
- Geindre, J. P., Audebert, P., Rousse, A., Falliès, F., Gauthier, J. C., Mysyrowicz, A., Santos, A. Dos, Hamoniaux, G., & Antonetti, A. 1994. Frequency-domain interferometer for measuring the phase and amplitude of a femtosecond pulse probing a laser-produced plasma.
Optics Letters, 19, 1997-1999.
- Maine, P., Strickland, D., Bado, P., Pessot, M., & Mourou, G. 1988. Generation of ultrahigh peak power pulses by chirped-pulse amplification.
IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 24, 398-403.
- Mourou, G., & Umstadter, D. 1992. Development and applications of compact high-intensity lasers.
Phys. Fluids B, 4, 2315-2325.
- Normand, D., Ferray, M., Lompré, L. A., Gobert, O., L'Huillier, A., & Mainfray, G. 1990. Focused laser intensity measurement at and 1053nm.
Optics Lett., 15, 1400-1402.
- Patterson, F. G., Gonzales, R., & Perry, M. D. 1991. Compact 10-TW, 800-fs Nd:glass laser.
Optics Letters, 16, 1107-1109.
- Perry, M. D., & Mourou, G. 1994. Terawatt to petawatt subpicosecond lasers.
Science, 264, 917-924.
- Shepherd, R., Booth, R., Price, D., Bowers, M, Swan, D., Bonlie, J., Young, B., Dunn, J., White, B., & Stewart, R. 1994. Ultrafast x-ray streak camera for use in ultrashort laser-produced plasma research.
Rev. Sci. Instr., 66, 719-721.
- Strickland, D., & Mourou, G. 1985. Compression of amplified chirped optical pulses.
Op. Commun., 56, 219-211.
- Sullivan, A., Hamster, H., Kapteyn, H. C., Gordon, S., White, W., Nathel, H., Blair, R. J., & Falcone, R. W. 1991. Multiterawatt, 100 fs laser.
Optics Lett., 16, 1406-1408.
- Svanberg, S., Larsson, J., Persson, A, & Wahlström, C.-G. 1994. Lund high-power laser facility - systems and first results.
Phys. Scripta, 49, 187-197.
- Umstadter, D., Yu, L. H., Johnson, E., & Li, D. 1994. Ultrashort ultraviolet free-electron lasers.
J. X-Ray Sci. and Tech., 4, 263-274.
- Watteau, J. P., Bonnaud, G., Coutant, J., Dautray, R., Decoster, A., & Louis-Jacquet, M. 1992. Experimental program on the 20TW laser system.
Phys. Fluids B, 4, 2217-2223.
- Yamakawa, K., Shiraga, H., & Kato, Y. 1991. Prepulse-free 30-TW 1-ps Nd:glass laser.
Optics Lett., 16, 1593-1595.
- Laser Plasma Theory and Simulation (Laser Science and Technology : An International Handbook, Vol 17)
by Kunioki Mima (Editor), Hector A. Baldis, Akio Nishiguchi
High-intensity femtosecond laser-matter interaction research
- LENS, Florence, Italy
- LIF-ENSTA, LOA ENSTA; Palaiseau, France
- NIF High Energy Lasers
- Los Alamos Inertial Confinment Fusion
- Perspectives on Plasmas - the 4th state of matter
- LLNL X-Division
- The Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) University of Rochester, USA.
- Oxford, High Power Laser Group
- Bibliography of short pulse laser-plasma interactions. Jan 1997 (by Paul Gibbon)
- Imperial College Plasma Physics Group, Laser Plasma Interaction, London, UK. July 31, 1999 (also
- INRS-Energie et Materiaux, Activités Interaction laser-matière, Varennes, Canada. 02-03-1999
- Center for Ultrafast Science, Michigan, USA. June 23, 1999
- Central Laser Facility, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK. 09/06/99
- Institute for Laser Engineering (ILE), Osaka, Japan
(Laser Applications)
- Center for Ultrafast Science, Michigan
- Laboratoire Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI), ECOLE Polytechique, Paris
- Centre de Physique Theorique
- Fast Ignitor Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- Imperial College Plasma Physics Group, London
- INRS-Energie et Materiaux, Varennes, Canada
- IFAM - Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics , Pisa, Italy
- Institute for Optics and Quantumelectronics, Jena: Short pulse laser interactions group, X-ray optics group
- Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Rochester, USA
- LOA - Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquee, ENSTA, Palaiseau, France
- Lund Laser Centre (LLC), Lund, Sweden
- Max-Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics und Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI), Berlin
- Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching: Laser Plasma and High-Power Laser Group, Theoretical Quantum Optics Group.
- Nonlinear Optics Group, Australia National University, Canberra
- SPAM (Service des Photons, Atomes et Molecules), CEA-Saclay , Saclay, France.
- TMR Short Pulse X-Ray Network, AMOLF, Holland; Official EU site.
- SILASI TMR Network - Super Intense Laser-Solid Interaction, Darmstadt, Germany
- Ultraviolet Laser Facility (ULF), Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Heraklion
- Wilson·Squier Group, Ultra fast x-rays, San Diego
- A. Pukhov's Virtual Laser Plasma Laboratory
- 1997 Applications of High Field and Short Wavelength Sources VII
March, 1997 Santa Fe, New Mexico (Optical Society of America)
- Ultraintense Laser Interactions and Applications - 1 Elounda, Crete, Greece, May 7 - 11, 1999
- First International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA `99) University Bordeaux 1, 12-17 September 1999
(formerly the International Conference on Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena (LIRPP))
- High Power Lasers in Energy Engineering (HPL02) Nov 1, 1999. Osaka University, Japan
- SPIE Proceeding on Lasers
- Rocca, J.J., Da Silva, L.B. (eds) : 1999, Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications III
(to appear in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3776)
- Andreev, A.A., Vavilov, S.I. (eds) : 1998, Laser Optics '98: Superstrong Laser Fields and Applications
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3683 ISBN: 0-8194-3157-5, June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Boreisho, A.S., Baranov, G.A. (eds) : 1998, XII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3574 ISBN: 0-8194-3039-0, September 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Mei, S.-S., Truesdell, K.A. (eds) : 1998, High-Power Lasers: Solid State, Gas, Excimer, and Other Advanced Lasers II
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3549 ISBN: 0-8194-3010-2, September 1998, Beijing, China
- Basu, S. (ed) : 1998, High-Power Lasers
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3264 ISBN: 0-8194-2703-9, Jan 1998, San Jose, CA, USA
- Rocca, J.J., Da Silva, L.B. (eds) : 1997, Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications II
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3156 ISBN: 0-8194-2578-8, August 1997, San Diego, CA, USA
- Hall, D.R., Baker, H.J. (eds) : 1997, XI International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3092 ISBN: 0-8194-2507-9, August 1996, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Farrukh, U.O., Basu, S. (eds) : 1997, Modeling and Simulation of Higher-Power Laser Systems IV
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2989 ISBN: 0-8194-2400-5, Feb 1997, San Jose, CA, USA
(see also)
- Mei, S.-S., Truesdell, K.A. (eds) : 1996, High-Power Lasers: Solid State, Gas, Excimer, and Other Advanced Lasers
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2889 ISBN: 0-8194-2290-8, Nov 1996, Beijing, China
- Andreev,A.L., Kocharovskaya,O., Novgorod,N., Mandel, P. (eds): 1996, Coherent Phenomena and Amplification without Inversion
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2798 ISBN: 0-8194-2186-3, July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Osborne, M.R., Sayegh, G.. (eds) : 1996, High-Power Lasers: Applications and Emerging Applications
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2789 ISBN: 0-8194-2175-8, June 1996, Micropolis, Besancon, France
- Letardi,T., Weber,H., (eds) : 1996, High-Power Lasers: Gas and Solid State Lasers
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2788 ISBN: 0-8194-2174-X, June 1996, Micropolis, Besancon, France
- Rohlena,K., Kodymova,J., Kralikova,B. : 1996, Fourth International Workshop on Iodine Lasers and Applications
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2767 ISBN: 0-8194-2151-0, Sept, 1995, Trest' Castle, Czech Republic
- White, W.E., Reitze, D.H. (eds) : 1996, Generation, Amplification, and Measurement of Ultrashort Laser Pulses III
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2701 ISBN: 0-8194-2075-1, Feb 1996, San Jose, CA, USA
- Rocca, J.J., Hagelstein, P.L. (eds) : 1995, Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2520 ISBN: 0-8194-1879-X, July 1995, San Diego, CA, USA
- Barty, C.P., Wise, F.V. (eds) : 1995, Generation, Amplification, and Measurement of Ultrashort Laser
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2377 ISBN: 0-8194-1724-6, Feb 1995, San Jose, CA, USA
- Bohrer, M., Letardi, T., Schuoecker, D., Weber, H. (eds) : 1994, High-Power Gas and Solid State Lasers
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2206 ISBN: 0-8194-1507-3, April 1994, Vienna, Austria
- Trebino, R.P., Walmsley, I.A. (eds) : 1994, Generation, Amplification, and Measurement of Ultrashort Laser
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2116 ISBN: 0-8194-1409-3, Jan 1994, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Piche, M., Pace,P.V. (eds) : 1994, Mode-locked and Other Ultrashort Laser Designs, Amplifiers, and Applications
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2041 ISBN: 0-8194-1300-3, Aug 1993, Quebec City, Canada
- Suckewer, S., (ed) : 1994, Ultrashort Wavelength Lasers II
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2012 ISBN: 0-8194-1261-9, July 1993, San Diego, CA, USA
- Paisner, J.A., (ed) : 1993, Short-Pulse High-Intensity Lasers and Applications III
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1860 ISBN: 0-8194-1087-X, Jan 1993, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Alam, S. : 1999, Lasers without Inversion and Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
SPIE ISBN 0-8194-3040-4
Ultrafast lasers
- Kunioki Mima, Yasukazu Izawa, T. Yamanaka Osaka Univ., Japan
- Takashi Arisawa, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Japan
- Katsumi Midorikawa, RIKEN -- Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan
- Takatoshi Shindoh, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
- G. Mourou, D. Umstadter, Univ. of Michigan, USA
- Gerald L. Kulcinski, Univ. of Wisconsin/Madison, USA
- Mike Perry, William Hogan, Bruce E. Warner, Michael H. Key, Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA
- Jean-Claude M. Diels, Univ. of New Mexico, USA
- Martin C. Richardson, CREOL/Univ. of Central Florida, USA
- G. Jamelot, Univ. Paris-Sud, France
- Mysyrowicz, A. : LOA (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquee), Palaiseau, France
- Victor V. Apollonov, General Physics Institute, Russia
- Yury Resunkov, Research Institute for Complex Testing of Optoelectronic Devices, Russia
Other Research
Commericial lasers
- Alpha laser (excellent description
of chirped pulse amplification) Thomson-CSF, B.M.industries departemnt
- CONCERTO laser : 1.5 W, 100 fs, by Thomson-CSF
- Omega-Pro laser (January 1999) by Femtolasers Produktions GmbH, Austria, and Thomson-CSF
- 1mJ, 25 fs, 1kHz, 40 GW
- CPA, Nd:YLF pumped Ti:sapphire amplifier
- 1.2 X 1.2 m in size
Laser Makers
- Laser Makers (Yahoo)
- Index from Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU)
- Aculight corporation
- AdvR, inc.
- Aerotech
- Alpec
- Analog Modules
- Anderson Lasers
- Applied Optronics
- Asia Group
- BFi Optilas Ltd, UK.
- Blue Sky Research
- Casix, China
- Clark MXR, inc.
- Cutting Edge Optronics
- Coherent
- Coherent Star
- Continum
- Creative Technology
- CrystaLaser
- Cutting Edge Optronics
- Cymer
- DeMaria ElectroOptics Systems (DEOS)
- DeHarpporte Trading Company
- Directed Light
- DPSS Lasers Inc.
- Edmund Scientific
- Electro Scientific Industries, inc.
- Electrox - Lasers for Industry
- Excel Precision - Laser interferometer
- Exitech
- Grapevine Laser
- GSI Lumonics
- Helios
- Industrial Laser Source
- Intelite, inc.
- JDS Uniphase
- JMAR Technologies
- K&L Lasers
- Kimmon Electric Co., Ltd.
- LG Laser Graphics GmbH
- Lambda Phisik
- Lambda Photometrics Ltd. UK
- Laser Alignment Inc.
- Laser Applications
- Laser Devices, inc.
- Laser Diode Array, inc.
- Laser Max
- Laser Modules
- Laser Power Corporation
- Laser Exchange
- Laser Resale
- Laser Technology Center, Russia
- Laser Technology, Inc.
- Laserex Technologies Pty Ltd. Australia
- Laserworks
- Lee Laser
- Lexel
- Liconix
- Light Age, Inc.
- Lightwave Electronics
- LMC Laser Services
- LumenX Technologies
- McGarf Laser Alignment System
- Melles Griot
- Merchantek EO
- Meredith Instruments
- MetroLaser Inc.
- Micro Laser Systems
- Midwest Laser Products
- New Wave
- New Focus, Inc.
- Nuvonyx
- Omega Laser Systems
- Online inc.
- Optlectra GmbH
- Oriel Instruments
- Oxford Lasers
- MWK Laser Products
- Positive Light
- PRC Laser
- Power Technology
- Q Peak
- Quantronix
- Quantum Laser Engineering, Ltd. UK.
- Riegl
- Rofin Sinar Technologies, UK
- Rolyn Optics, California
- Schwatz Electro-Optics, Inc.
- Solaris S.A.
- Spectra-Physics
- Spectron Laser Systems
- Synrad
- TuiLaser
- U.S. Laser Corp.
- Virtek Vision International Inc.
Laser History
![Laser Stars](../ad.gif)