1. Adams, John (1819-1892)
  2. Anderson, John A. (1876-1959)
  3. Balmer, Johann (1825-1898)
  4. Bethe, Hans
  5. Bloembergen, Nicolaas (1920-)
  6. Bohr, Niels (1885-1962) (terrible explanation of Bohr model !!!) also on MacTutor with picture
  7. Bose,S.N. (has picture)
  8. Brewster, David (1781-1868) (no astronomical bio ?)
  9. Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601) also at MacTutor with picture and Tycho Brahe Page
  10. Annie Jump Cannon (1863-1941)
  11. MSC Role (Annie Jump Cannon, 1863-1941)
  12. Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan (1910-1995) also on AstroPhoto Of the Day, September 1, 1995
  13. Condon, Edward (1902-1974)
  14. Copernicus, Nicholas (1473-1543) (complete) also on MacTutor with picture
  15. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984) also at MacTutor with picture)
  16. daVinci, Leonardo (has picture)
  17. Eddington, Arthur (1882-1944) also on MacTutor with picture
  18. Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) also on MacTutor with picture
  19. Einstein Portraits - Caltech Archives
  20. Feynman,Richard,P. and other links (see photo and archive of 81 pictures)
  21. Flemming, Williamina (1857-1911)
  22. Fowler, William Alfred (1911-1995)
  23. Frankland, Edward (1825-1899)
  24. Fraunhofer, Joseph von (1787-1826) also on Company with same name
  25. Gallileo Links
  26. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
  27. IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biography Galileo GALILEI
  28. Domus Galilaeana
  29. History of Science Museum, Florence, Room IV: Galileo Galilei
  30. Biography Index of personalities connected to Galileo
  31. Goddard, Robert (1882-1945) (complete) also on NASA site
  32. Gordon Gould (holds optical laser patent)
  33. Greenstein, Jesse (1909-) (also pictures and photo)
  34. Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976) also on MacTutor with picture
  35. Herschel, John (1792-1871)
  36. Hertzsprung, Ejnar (1873-1967)
  37. Hoyle, Fred (1915-) (see photo)
  38. Hubble, Edwin (1889-1953) (see photo)
  39. Short biography on Edwin P. Hubble
  40. Hubble Portraits - Caltech Archives
  41. Huggins, William (1824-1910)
  42. Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695)
  43. Janssen, Pierre (1824-1907)
  44. Kelvin, Lord William Thomson (1824-1907) (complete)
  45. Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) (long) also on MacTutor with picture
  46. Kirchhoff, Gustav (1824-1887) also on MacTutor with picture
  47. Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921)
  48. Hubble,E.P. (photo)
  49. Le Verrier, Urbain (1811-1877) also on MacTutor with picture
  50. Lockyer, Joseph (1836-1920)
  51. Short biography on Willem J. Luyten
  52. Lyot, Bernard (1897-1952)
  53. Maiman, Theodore Harold (1927-) ( also on Inventors )
  54. Menzel, Donald (1901-1976)
  55. Merrill (photo)
  56. Millikan, Robert (1868-1953)
  57. Newton, Isaac (1642-1727) also on MacTutor with picture
  58. Nicholson, William (1853-1815)
  59. Oppenheimer, J. Robert (1904-1967) also at 'History of the Enola Gay' (has picture)
  60. Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
  61. Paschen, Louis (1865-1947)
  62. Pauli, Wolfgang (1900-1958) also on MacTutor with picture
  63. Penzias, Arno Allan (1933-)
  64. Penzias, Arno
  65. Pfund, A.H.
  66. Pickering,E.C.
  67. Planck, Max (1858-1947) also on MacTutor with picture
  68. Prigogine,Ilya see also
  69. Ramsay, William (1852-1916) (error?)
  70. Rayleigh, John William Strutt (1842-1919) also on MacTutor with picture
  71. Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad (1845-1923) also on '100 years after discovery of X-rays'
  72. Rowland, Henry (1848-1901)
  73. Russell, Henry Noris (1877-1957)
  74. Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) also on MacTutor with picture
  75. Rutherford, Ernest (1871-1937)
  76. Rydberg, Johannes (1854-1919) also on MacTutor with picture
  77. Sandage, Allan (1926-) (see photo)
  78. Short biography on Allan R. Sandage
  79. Schmidt, Maarten (1929-) (see photo)
  80. Scrödinger, Erwin (1887-1961) also on MacTutor with picture
  81. Short biography on Maarten Schmidt
  82. Shapley, Harlow (1885-1972)
  83. Slipher, Vesto (1875-1969)
  84. Struve, Otto (1897-1963)
  85. Teller, Edward (1908-)
  86. Townes, Charles Hard (1915-) (also on Inventors with picture)
  87. von Neumann, John (1903-1957) also on MacTutor with picture or computer science background bio
  88. ??? von Braun, Wernher (1912-1977)
  89. Watson, James (1928-)
  90. Wilson, Robert Woodrow (1936-) (CBR)
  91. Wollaston, William (1766-1828)
  92. Wolf, Maximilian (1863-1932)
  93. Wright, Wilbur (1867-1912) (also on Inventors )
  94. Young, Thomas (1773-1829) also on MacTutor with picture
  95. History of Mayan Astronomy
  96. Babcock
  97. Beals,C.S.
  98. Bowen, Ira,S.
  99. Boyce
  100. Burbidge
  101. Burwell
  102. Copeland,Ralph
  103. DeBruin
  104. Dewar
  105. Dingle
  106. Drilling
  107. Edlen
  108. Freeman,I.M.
  109. Goudsmit
  110. Grotian
  111. Harkness
  112. Hertzberg,G.
  113. Hillebrand,W.F.
  114. Hopfield
  115. Hylleraas
  116. Javan
  117. Joy
  118. Lindsay,E.M.
  119. Lynds
  120. Messier
  121. Merrill, Paul
  122. McKellar
  123. Nicholson
  124. Pannekoek
  125. Patwitharathy,M.
  126. Pogson,Norman
  127. Rayet,G.
  128. Scheiner,J.
  129. Secchi, Father Angelo
  130. Shawlow
  131. Swings
  132. Tennant,J.T.
  133. Underhill,A.B
  134. Vogel,H.C.
  135. Weaver,Harrold
  136. Wright,W.H.
  137. Zeeman

Scientific Biographies and Quotations.