Diagram. (note new target area on the east side of R1 adjoining TA East) From
Vulcan upgrade description |
Output stages (see close-up) |
Laser amplifier support structure.
From Open House July 1998 |
Large aperture Nd:glass laser disk from the
Phebus laser to be used
in Vulcan upgrade |
Support structure for 208 mm laser
amplifier disks (originally used in NOVA) pumped by four pairs of large bore
(25 mm) flashlamps operating at 20 kV to be used on the Vulcan
Petawatt upgrade.
From 208 Amplifier test results
see also plot
of small signal gain |
Broad bandwidth pre-amplifier (Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification, OPCPA) |
Nd:glass disk amplifier held by Prof. Henry Hutchinson, Director of CLF.
From Dr John Taylor Visits CLF |
Peter Hatton beside ultra-short pulse interaction chamber,
beam is 3 times diffraction limited, 10 micron focus spot
(from facilities at CLF) |
PhD student J Lin (Univ. of Essex) beside ultra-short pulse interaction chamber
200 TW, 1020 W cm-2, subpicosecond. |
Target chamber (HRH The Duke of Kent and Professor Henry Hutchinson, Director, CLF).
From HRH The Duke of Kent visits CLF |