Laser on optical table from The Physics & Space Technology USP and Janus Lasers |
Target chamber from The Physics & Space Technology USP and Janus Lasers |
Diagram (click on this image map for details) |
Oscillator, 100 fs, 4 nJ from USP site |
Stretcher compensates for 3rd and 4th order phase distortion using special doublet optics.
From USP site |
Regenerative amplification gives extremely low ASE and amplification to 8 mJ. Amplification consists of two stages of Glan polarizer - Pockel cell isolation in 12 passses.
From USP site |
400 mJ, 10 Hz 5-pass Nd:YAG pumped rod amplifier and 2 J, 2-pass Nd:glass pumped disk amplifier. There are Pockels cell switches between each amplification stage to control the number of passes.
From USP site |
Vacuum compressor and off axis parabolic mirror.
From USP site |
Frequency doubling to 400 nm and an adjustable stretcher give < 1 ´ 10-7 contrast at 1 ps before peak of the USP laser pulse.
From USP site |
X-ray spectra of USP produced high temperature (> 500 eV) germanium target plasma at near solid density. Note the increase in number of transitions in USP plasma compared to longer pulse length laser (bottom).
From Plasma Experiments with USP |
Geometry of aluminum foil and streak camera/spectrometer.
From Plasma Experiments with USP |
Five time frames representing time evolution of an aluminum plasma using a subpicosecond streak camera and imaging spectrometer.
From Plasma Experiments with USP |