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10,876 bytes
Diagram (from Experiment on NOVA Sept 1997 Science and Technology Review) see also, from How nova really works
89,475 bytes
Amplifiers (from photo archive)
104,483 bytes
10 meter diameter target chamber (with two technicians) (from photo archive)
79,477 bytes
A technician inside target chamber, designed to hold a vacuum for much of its working life span. (from photo archive)
134,461 bytes
Target chamber with deuterium laser-shock and compression experiment (from March 1999 Science and Technology Review)
91,873 bytes
chamber (from Sept 1998 Science and Technology Review)
22,939 bytes
inside target chamber (from University of California, Berkeley, ICF)
11,429 bytes
1.6 mm target explodes (1 ns, 20 kJ, 351 nm) (from University of California, Berkeley, ICF)
50,342 bytes
x-ray ablation and target debris (beam dump damage is in the shape of the target shadow) (from University of California, Berkeley, ICF)
16,987 bytes
Exploding target (notice again, target shaped shadow on beam dump) (from APS Centennial Meeting)
57,108 bytes
Photo of GMXI (upper right), GXI-3 (bottom), FABSI (middle left) from LANL P-24 Diagnostics and Optical Science Team (dead link?)
23,927 bytes
LAPC Los Alamos Pinhole Camera. From diagnostics page Oertel, J.A., Peterson, C.G. : 1997, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68, 786. Los Alamos pinhole camera (LAPC): A new flexible x-ray pinhole camera
43,372 bytes
GXI-2 Gated X-ray Imager 2. From diagnostics page (dead link?)
37,320 bytes
GXI-3 (Gated X-ray Imager 3) from diagnostics page (dead link?)
15,040 bytes
FABSI Full Aperture Backscatter Station with Imaging from diagnostics page (dead link?)