Closed loop DF laser |
Image of part of the laser.
From FAS |
Sea Lite beam director (also known as Skylite). From HELSTF |
SEALITE Beam Director (SLBD) contains a lighweight 1.8 m mirror
created by Réosc |
MIRACL destroys a short-range Katyusha rocket, only a small fraction of the MIRACL's power was used, corresponding
to the power that could be produced by a compact and mobile tactical laser system. This test
was part of the Nautilus program, a THEL precursor.
from Nautilus Lasers Are Lethal, February 1996 |
Another view of missile destruction,
note the bright white spot on the tip of the target rocket is the laser beam.
This was the first time a laser engaged and destroyed a short-range rocket in flight.
This was also the first time that a warhead was exploded in flight by any developmental or operational weapon system.
from Defence Link, April, 1996 |
HELLO - High-Energy Laser Light Opportunity. Civilian uses for this laser are part of project
(see Popular Mechanics, October 1994).