In 1962 Basov and Oraevskii proposed that rapid cooling could produce
population inversions in molecular systems. A few years later others
suggested that this could be accomplished by expansion of a hot gas through
a supersonic nozzle. And in 1966, the first gasdymamic laser was successfully
operated at the Avco Everett Research Lab. (Gerry, 1970).
According to Anderson (1976) gas dynamic lasers are first cousins to rocket
engines. They also share design similarities with
supersonic wind tunnels.
In rocket nozzles, aerodynamicists work hard to create equilibrium flows so as
to obtain maximum specific impulse; on the other hand in a laser, all possible
efforts are made to produce a highly non-equilibrium expansion.
Adiabatic Expansion Cooling Gasdynamic Laser : Hot gases expand through
appropriately shaped nozzles from a high pressure, high temperature chamber
into a low pressure chamber. This creates a highly non-equilibrium region were
a strong population inversion takes place. Very high laser output power can be
achieved. The diffuser is used to shock down the supersonic flow to subsonic
speeds, then the gases are generally exhausted to the atmosphere.
Population inversions require that the lasing medium be forced as far as
possible from equilibrium. In equilibrium, statistical thermodynamics tells us
that the upper levels have an exponentially decreasing population as a
function of increasing energy, which means that the lower quantum levels have a
larger population than the upper levels, thus a photon is more likely to cause
an absorption. In highly non-equilibrium situations, the populations are
reversed and the upper level is overpopulated relative to the lower level,
and a photon is more likely to induce a stimulated emission, hence laser
action is possible.
Large scale 135 Kilowatt gasdynamic laser at Avco Everett Research Lab, Inc.
was among the first very high power lasers.
Initially this research was classified by the U.S. government,
even today information on these types of lasers is scarce.
(Gerry, 1970) |
Non-equilibrium turbulent flows are much more likely to occur in rapidly
expanding stellar atmospheres where ideal equilibrium flows are rarely
encountered. If adiabatic expansion alone can produce one of the most powerful
lasers on earth; this mechanism should also be one of the most prevalent
astrophysical means of producing laser action.
High power CO2 lasers are used in manufacturing for drilling, cutting,
welding, heat-treating and alloying (LaRocca, 1982). Some of these
lasers are so powerful that beams emerging from the chamber could
potentially destroy the optics. For a time the gasdynamic laser was
seriously considered for use in the space based
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or Star Wars program.
- Anderson,J.D.: 1976, Gasdynamic Lasers: An Introduction, Academic Press,
New York.
- Basov,N.G., Oraevskii,A.N.: 1963, Sov.Phys.JETP., 17, 1171.
- Gerry,E.T.: 1970, IEEE Spectrum, 7, 51.
- LaRocca,A.V.: 1982, Scientific American, (March) page. 94,
'Laser Applications in Manufacturing',
Industrial Laser Review (from
PennWell Publishing Co.)
WWW : NASA Technical Reports on aerodynamic research (NTRS)
Minucci,M.A.S., Oliva.J.L.S.: 1993, AIAA PAPER 93-3187, 24 th Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
On the development of a gas generator for CO2-N2 gas dynamic lasers utilizing liquid fuel and liquid oxidizer
Biriukov,A.S., Konoplev,N.A., Shcheglov,V.: 1981, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 7, 482.
Energy capabilities of a three-frequency periodic-pulse CO2 gas-dynamic laser
Krause,S., Maisenhaelder,F.: 1980, Applied Optics, 22, 421.
Gasdynamic CO laser with closed-cycle gas flow
Huegel,H., Schall,W., Hoffmann,P.: 1976, DFVLR-Nachrichten, (Nov), 784.
Gas dynamic CO2 laser output increase with the aid of appropriate supersonic mixing techniques
Murthy,S.N.B.: 1976, in High-power gas lasers, Summer School (IOP), Capri,, Italy,
September 1975, p.222
Gas-dynamic and chemical lasers - Gas dynamics
Fournier,G., Morency,J.P.: 1975, NASA DREV-4011/75
Preliminary analysis of a light-gas gun-driven gas dynamic laser
Cavalleri,R.J.: 1975, in Hydrogen energy, Proc., Miami Beach,, Fla., Plenum Press, p. 677
A hydrogen-fueled gas-dynamic laser
Shmelev,V.M., Vasilik,N.IA., Margolin,A.D.: 1974, Kvantovaia Elektronika (Moscow), 1, 1711.
Gas dynamic CO2+N2+CO+H2O laser
Genaralov,N.A., Kozlov,G.I., Selezneva,I.K.: 1974, NASA AD-783445, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
Estimate of the characteristics of a gas-dynamic laser
Biryukov,A.S., Marchenko,V.M., Shelepin,L.A.: 1974, NASA JPRS-63317, Joint Publications Research Service, Arlington, VA.
Gas dynamic laser with electric excitation of a thermally ionized gas
Pallay,B.G., Zovko,C.T.: 1973, AIAA PAPER 73-1233
Fuels, oxidizers and gas generators for gas dynamic lasers
Yatsiv,S., Greenfield,E., Dothan-Deutsch,F., Chuchem,D.: 1972,
in Laser Engineering and Applications
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. QE-8, Feb. 1972, pt.,2, page 161.
Experiments with a pulsed CO2 gas dynamic laser. (combustion driven)
McMahan,W.H.: 1971, Optical Spectra, 5, 30.
High-power, visible-output, gas-dynamic lasers.
Supersonic Wind Tunnels