Java Applets

Created by John Talbot

Java source code included

The spectra of the elements are plotted using a Java program. The simulation reconstructs the emission lines with adjustable parameters such as line width and spectral range.

Sample output for wire obstacle Soon to be released Java program to plot laser diffraction patterns on different obstacles and apertures such as wires, slits and straight edge. (There is source code for a BASIC version of this Applet)

Eclipsing Binary Stars: Partially functional Java program to create three dimensional animations of binary stars and to plot their light curve.

Created by others

TIPTOP Virtual Lab of Java Applets Repository TIP/TOP
Gamelan Physics Applets Registry of physics applets submitted to Gamelan Gamelan
Physics 2000 Tutorials about quantum physics etc... University of Colorado
Quantum mechanics applets
Quantum Scattering Animation of the scattering of a wavepacket from various targets, phase is color encoded. John L. Richardson
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Quantum applets Animation of coherent states and tutorial on momentum phase space Dr.Mark Sutherland
'Photon-Atom Interaction' Simplistic animation of a two-level quantum system undergoing photon absorption and emission, also shows virtual photon emission and immediate re-absorption Sergey Kiselev and Tanya Yanovsky-Kiselev
'The Laser' Animated schematic of a three level laser : pumping to a metastable state and stimulated emission Sergey Kiselev and Tanya Yanovsky-Kiselev
Periodic Table of the Elements Shows electron configurations Roland Bock
Diffraction and Optics
'Single Slit Diffraction' has wavelength and slit width control -
Two-slit diffraction Control wavelength, slit separation and screen distance Serge G.Vtorov
Double Slit Interference Animation of the wavefronts in a double slit diffraction pattern wavelength and slit width can be controlled -
Prism Spectrum Dispersion of Light by a Prism, angle of the prism can be controlled Sergey Kiselev and Tanya Yanovsky-Kiselev
Astronomy Applets
Binary star simulation eclipsing binaries and Doppler evolution of spectral lines Cornell University
Kepler's 2nd law Demonstrating that the line joining the two bodies in an elliptical orbit sweeps equal areas in equal times. Syracuse University
Kepler motion With effective potential curves and energy control Fu-Kwun Hwang
Kepler Laws Orbit of a planet under the gravitational action of the sun by Roberto De Leo
SkyView Multiwavelength sky images from gamma rays to radio wavelengths extracted from an enormous NASA database of earth and spaceborne instruments. NASA
Kinetic Theory Demonstrates Maxwell-Boltzmann statistic using the particle approach in a 2 dimensional gas of colliding hard spheres which 'thermalizes' to thermodynamic equilibrium after many collisions. Julio Gea-Banacloche
Radio Interferometer Earth rotation aperture synthesis radio interferometry : Explore the image reconstruction accuracy for various array configurations, target locations and object types. D J. McKay and N.P.F.McKay
Java Humour
"The Jump to Java Logo is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries."

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