Amateur observing of laser stars A few Wolf-Rayet Stars NAME CONST. HD RA (2000) DEC Mv B-V TYPE MR99 CYG 190918 20 5 57.2 +35 47 19 7.48 +0.13 WN4.5+O9IA MR100 CYG 191765 20 10 14.1 +36 10 36 8.31 +0.25 WN6 V1042 CYG 192103 20 11 53.5 +36 11 51 8.51 -0.06 * WC8 MR102 CYG 192163 20 12 6.5 +38 21 18 7.73 +0.25 WN6 MR103 CYG 192641 20 14 31.7 +36 39 40 8.18 +0.15 * WC7+ABS MR104 CYG 193077 20 17 0.0 +37 25 25 8.21 +0.26 WN5+ABS V444 CYG 193576 20 19 32.3 +38 43 54 8.27 +0.38 WN5+O6 MR107 CYG 193793 20 20 27.9 +43 51 16 7.19 +0.24 * WC7+ABS CQ CEP 214419 22 36 53.9 +56 54 21 8.94 +0.33 WN7+O EZ CMA 50896 6 54 12.9 -23 55 42 6.91 -0.89 WN5+B MR64 SCO 151932 16 52 19.0 -41 51 16 6.49 -0.65 WN7a MR65 SCO 152270 16 54 19.5 -41 49 12 6.59 -0.54 WC7+O5 MR84 SGR 165763 18 8 28.3 -21 15 11 8.25 -0.07 * WC5 MR12 VEL 68273 8 7 59.5 -47 11 18 1.74 -0.32 WC8+O9I Label Description NAME = Standard name from van der Hucht (1981) catalog CONST = Constellation (CYG Cygnus, CEP Cepheus, CMA Canis Major, SCO Scorpius, SGR Sagittarius) HD = Henry Draper catalog identification number RA = Coordinate Right Ascension in hours, minutes and seconds (preccessed to epoch J2000.0 except for MR12) DEC = Coordinate Declination in degrees, minutes and seconds (J2000) must be visible from 45 degrees northern lattitudes Mv = Visual magnitude. Almost half of the Wolf-Rayets brighter than magnitude 9 are in Cygnus ! B-V = Colour excess (smaller is bluer in colour) * = Star symbol indicates the digitized spectra is available TYPE = Spectral type, WN for Nitrogen rich, WC for Carbon rich followed by a number from 1 to 9, hotter stars have a smaller number. Data from the Yale Bright Star catalog and from van der Hucht (1981) Star Hop Suggestions URANOMETRIA MR99 CYG, 7th mag star dead center of NGC6871 cluster 119 MR100 CYG, 8th mag star 20 arcmin west of V1042 119 V1042 CYG, 8th mag star 50 arcmin southwest of star b3 CYG 119 MR102 CYG, 8th mag star dead center of nebula NGC6888 119 MR103 CYG, 8th mag star 10 arcmin south of star b3 CYG 119 MR104 CYG, 8th mag double star 40 arcmin south of P CYG 119 V444 CYG, 8th mag variable 50 arcmin northeast of P CYG 119 MR107 CYG, 7th mag double 3 degrees north of gamma CYG. 84 CQ CEP, 9th mag variable 2 deg southeast of delta CEP 58 EZ CMA, 7th mag variable 15 arcmin north of omicron1 CMA 318 MR64 SCO, 6th mag star 20 arcmin west of NGC 6231 cluster 407 MR65 SCO, 6th mag star dead center of NGC 6231 cluster 407 MR84 SGR, 8th mag star 1.2 deg west of mu SGR 339