TABLE 2. Proper motions and distances of a few bright stars which have
          small proper motions and which lie within 500 pc from the sun.
          Data are from Allen (1973).

   Star        motion    Distance
             arcsec/yr     pc
   Algol       0.007        32
   Rigel       0.001       250
   Mintaka     0.002       460
   Arneb       0.006       300
   Alnilam     0.000       470
   Alnitak     0.005       470
   Mirzam      0.004       450
   Adhara      0.004       200
   Gamma Vel   0.010       200
   kappa Vel   0.012       150
   theta Sco   0.012       130
   Sadir       0.001       250
   Deneb       0.003       500